Source code for pyNastran.converters.tecplot.tecplot_to_nastran

 - tecplot_to_nastran(tecplot_filename, bdf_filename, debug=True)
 - tecplot_to_nastran(tecplot_filename, bdf_filename, debug=True)

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Union, Optional, TextIO, TYPE_CHECKING
import numpy as np
from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import BDF
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.remove_unused import remove_unused
from pyNastran.bdf.field_writer_8 import print_card_8
from pyNastran.converters.tecplot.tecplot import Tecplot, Zone, read_tecplot
if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from cpylog import SimpleLogger
    from pyNastran.op2.result_objects.table_object import TableArray

[docs] def tecplot_to_nastran_filename(tecplot_filename: Union[str, Tecplot], bdf_filename: str, log: Optional[SimpleLogger]=None, debug: bool=True) -> BDF: """Converts a Tecplot file to Nastran.""" return tecplot_to_nastran(tecplot_filename, bdf_filename, log=log, debug=debug)
[docs] def tecplot_to_nastran(tecplot_filename: Union[str, Tecplot], bdf_filename: str, log: Optional[SimpleLogger]=None, debug: bool=True) -> Optional[BDF]: """Converts a Tecplot file to Nastran.""" if isinstance(tecplot_filename, str): model = read_tecplot(tecplot_filename, log=log, debug=debug) else: model = tecplot_filename log = model.log removed_nodes = False E = 3.0e7 G = None nu = 0.3 t = 0.1 inode = 1 ielem = 1 nzones = len(model.zones) assert nzones > 0, f'nzones={nzones}; tecplot_filename={tecplot_filename!r}' with open(bdf_filename, 'w') as bdf_file: bdf_file.write('$pyNastran : punch=True\n') for izone, zone in enumerate(model.zones): mid = izone + 1 shell_pid = izone + 1 solid_pid = shell_pid + nzones if len(zone.tri_elements) + len(zone.quad_elements): card = ['PSHELL', shell_pid, mid, t] bdf_file.write(print_card_8(card)) if len(zone.tet_elements) + len(zone.hexa_elements): card = ['PSOLID', solid_pid, mid] bdf_file.write(print_card_8(card)) card = ['MAT1', mid, E, G, nu] bdf_file.write(print_card_8(card)) for izone, zone in enumerate(model.zones): inode0 = inode shell_pid = izone + 1 solid_pid = shell_pid + nzones _write_loads(bdf_file, zone, inode=inode) inode = _write_grids(bdf_file, zone, inode=inode) ielem = _write_shells( bdf_file, zone, shell_pid, log, inode=inode0, ielem=ielem) ielem, removed_nodes = _write_solids( bdf_file, zone, solid_pid, log, inode=inode0, ielem=ielem, removed_nodes=removed_nodes) log.debug(f'izone={izone:d}: inode={inode:d} ielem={ielem}') # inode += 10 # ielem += 10 if removed_nodes: log.debug(f'calling remove_unused...') bdf_model = BDF(debug=debug) bdf_model.read_bdf(bdf_filename) remove_unused(bdf_model) bdf_model.write_bdf(bdf_filename) return bdf_model return None
def _write_loads(bdf_file: TextIO, zone: Zone, inode: int=1) -> None: """writes a tecplot Zone in Nastran format""" for ivar, var in enumerate(zone.variables): bdf_file.write(f'$ ivar={ivar+1}: {var!r}\n') bdf_file.write(f'$ nodal_results.shape={str(zone.nodal_results.shape)}\n') nvars = zone.nodal_results.shape[1] for ivar in range(nvars): bdf_file.write(f'$ ivar={ivar+1}\n') res = zone.nodal_results[:, ivar] for inodei, resi in enumerate(res): card = ['SLOAD', ivar+1, inode + inodei, resi] bdf_file.write(print_card_8(card)) def _write_grids(bdf_file: TextIO, zone: Zone, inode: int=1): """writes a tecplot Zone in Nastran format""" for inodei, node in enumerate( card = ['GRID', inode + inodei, None,] + list(node) bdf_file.write(print_card_8(card)) inode += inodei + 1 return inode def _write_shells(bdf_file: TextIO, zone: Zone, pid: int, log, inode: int=0, ielem: int=1) -> int: """writes a tecplot Zone in Nastran format""" ielem0 = ielem itri = 0 if len(zone.tri_elements): # tris only log.debug('tri') for itri, tri in enumerate(inode + zone.tri_elements): card = ['CTRIA3', ielem + itri, pid] + list(tri) bdf_file.write(print_card_8(card)) ielem += itri + 1 if len(zone.quad_elements): if len(zone.tri_elements) != 0: #log.debug('quad-1') # if there are tris, then we assume the quads are good for iquad, quad in enumerate(inode + zone.quad_elements): card = ['CQUAD4', ielem + iquad, pid] + list(quad) bdf_file.write(print_card_8(card)) else: #log.debug('quad-2') # need to split out the CQUAD4 elements # ielem += itri + 1 for iquad, quad in enumerate(inode + zone.quad_elements): if quad[2] == quad[3]: # if it's a tri card = ['CTRIA3', ielem + iquad, pid] + list(quad[:3]) else: card = ['CQUAD4', ielem + iquad, pid] + list(quad) bdf_file.write(print_card_8(card)) ielem += iquad + 1 assert ielem >= ielem0, 'ielem={ielem} ielem0={ielem0}' return ielem def _write_solids(bdf_file: TextIO, zone: Zone, pid: int, log, inode: int=0, ielem: int=1, removed_nodes: bool=True) -> tuple[int, bool]: """writes a tecplot Zone in Nastran format""" if len(zone.tet_elements): #log.debug('tet') for itet, tet in enumerate(inode + zone.tet_elements): card = ['CTETRA', ielem + itet, pid] + list(tet) bdf_file.write(print_card_8(card)) ielem += itet + 1 if len(zone.hexa_elements): #log.debug('hexa') # need to split out the CTETRA and CPENTA elements for ihex, hexa in enumerate(zone.hexa_elements): uhexa = np.unique(hexa) nnodes_unique = len(uhexa) nids = hexa[:nnodes_unique] centroid_y =[nids, 1].max() if centroid_y < 0: removed_nodes = True continue if nnodes_unique == 4: card = ['CTETRA', ielem + ihex, pid] + list(inode + nids) assert len(card) == 7, len(card) elif nnodes_unique == 5: card = ['CPYRAM', ielem + ihex, pid] + list(inode + nids) assert len(card) == 8, len(card) elif nnodes_unique == 6: card = ['CPENTA', ielem + ihex, pid] + list(inode + nids) assert len(card) == 9, len(card) elif nnodes_unique == 8: card = ['CHEXA', ielem + ihex, pid] + list(inode + hexa) bdf_file.write(print_card_8(card)) ielem += ihex + 1 return ielem, removed_nodes
[docs] def nastran_table_to_tecplot(bdf_model: BDF, case: TableArray, variables: list[str]) -> Tecplot: """assumes only triangles""" title = ('%s; %s' % (case.title, case.subtitle)).strip(' ;') ntimes, nnodes, nresults = xyz_list = [] tris = [] nid_map = {} #all_nids = list(bdf_model.nodes.keys()) for inid, (nid, node) in enumerate(sorted(bdf_model.nodes.items())): xyz_list.append(node.get_position()) nid_map[nid] = inid for eid, elem in sorted(bdf_model.elements.items()): if elem.type == 'CQUAD4': node_ids = elem.node_ids tri_nids = [node_ids[:3], node_ids[1:]] elif elem.type == 'CTRIA3': tri_nids = [elem.node_ids] else: raise NotImplementedError(elem) for nids in tri_nids: assert len(nids) == 3, tri_nids new_tri = [] for nid in nids: new_tri.append(nid_map[nid]) #except: #raise #new_tri = [nid_map[nid] for nid in nids] tris.append(new_tri) tecplot_model = Tecplot(log=bdf_model.log, debug=bdf_model.debug) zone = Zone(bdf_model.log) xyz = np.array(xyz_list, dtype='float64') results = np.full((nnodes, nresults), np.nan, dtype=xyz.dtype) zone.zone_data = np.hstack([xyz, results]) zone.tri_elements = np.array(tris, dtype='int32') + 1 tecplot_model.title = title zone.headers_dict['VARIABLES'] = variables zone.variables = variables tecplot_model.zones = [zone] return tecplot_model
[docs] def nastran_tables_to_tecplot_filenames(tecplot_filename_base: str, bdf_model: BDF, case: TableArray, variables: Optional[list[str]]=None, ivars: Optional[list[int]]=None) -> None: """case is intended as an op2 object like DisplacementArray""" if variables is None: variables = case.headers if ivars is None: ivars = np.arange(0, len(variables)) tecplot_model = nastran_table_to_tecplot(bdf_model, case, variables) zone = tecplot_model.zones[0] for itime, time in enumerate(case._times): if '%' in tecplot_filename_base: tecplot_filename = tecplot_filename_base % time else: tecplot_filename = tecplot_filename_base # you can't combine the two lines or it transposes it... nodal_results =[itime, :, :] zone.zone_data[:, 3:] = nodal_results[:, ivars] tecplot_model.write_tecplot( tecplot_filename, res_types=None, adjust_nids=False)
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover import sys tecplot_filename = sys.argv[1] bdf_filename = sys.argv[2] tecplot_to_nastran_filename(tecplot_filename, bdf_filename, log=None, debug=True)