Source code for pyNastran.op2.data_in_material_coord

 - data_in_material_coord(bdf, op2, in_place=False)

from __future__ import annotations
import copy
from typing import Union, TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
from numpy import cos, sin, cross
from numpy.linalg import norm  # type: ignore

from pyNastran.utils.numpy_utils import integer_types

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from cpylog import SimpleLogger
    from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import BDF
    from pyNastran.op2.op2 import OP2
    from pyNastran.op2.tables.oes_stressStrain.real.oes_plates import RealPlateStressArray, RealPlateStrainArray
    from pyNastran.op2.tables.oef_forces.oef_force_objects import RealPlateForceArray, RealPlateBilinearForceArray
    #from pyNastran.op2.tables.oef_forces.oef_complex_force_objects import ComplexPlateForceArray, ComplexPlate2ForceArray

force_vectors = ['cquad4_force', 'cquad8_force', 'cquadr_force',
                 'ctria3_force', 'ctria6_force', 'ctriar_force']
stress_vectors = ['cquad4_stress', 'cquad8_stress', 'cquadr_stress',
                  'ctria3_stress', 'ctria6_stress', 'ctriar_stress']
strain_vectors = ['cquad4_strain', 'cquad8_strain', 'cquadr_strain',
                  'ctria3_strain', 'ctria6_strain', 'ctriar_strain']

[docs] def transf_Mohr(Sxx: np.ndarray, Syy: np.ndarray, Sxy: np.ndarray, theta_rad: np.ndarray) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Mohr's Circle-based Plane Stress Transformation Parameters ---------- Sxx, Syy, Sxy : array-like Sigma_xx, Sigma_yy, Sigma_xy stresses. thetarad : array-like Array with angles for which the stresses should be transformed. Returns ------- Sxx_theta, Syy_theta, Sxy_theta : np.ndarray Transformed stresses. """ Sxx = np.asarray(Sxx) Syy = np.asarray(Syy) Sxy = np.asarray(Sxy) theta_rad = np.asarray(theta_rad) Scenter = (Sxx + Syy) / 2. R = np.sqrt((Sxx - Scenter)**2 + Sxy**2) theta_rad_Mohr = np.arctan2(-Sxy, Sxx - Scenter) + 2*theta_rad cos_Mohr = cos(theta_rad_Mohr) Sxx_theta = Scenter + R*cos_Mohr Syy_theta = Scenter - R*cos_Mohr Sxy_theta = -R*sin(theta_rad_Mohr) return Sxx_theta, Syy_theta, Sxy_theta
[docs] def theta_deg_to_principal(Sxx: np.ndarray, Syy: np.ndarray, Sxy: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate the angle to the principal plane stress state Parameters ---------- Sxx, Syy, Sxy : array-like Sigma_xx, Sigma_yy, Sigma_xy stresses. Returns ------- thetadeg : np.ndarray Array with angles for which the given stresses are transformed to the principal stress state. """ Scenter = (Sxx + Syy) / 2. thetarad = np.arctan2(Sxy, Scenter - Syy) return np.rad2deg(thetarad) / 2.
[docs] def get_eids_from_op2_vector(vector): """Obtain the element ids for a given op2 vector Parameters ---------- vector : op2 vector An op2 vector obtained, for example, doing:: vector = op2.cquad4_force[1] vector = op2.cquad8_stress[1] vector = op2.ctriar_force[1] vector = op2.ctria3_stress[1] """ eids = getattr(vector, 'element', None) if eids is None: eids = vector.element_node[:, 0] return eids
[docs] def is_mcid(elem): """ Determines if the element uses theta or the mcid (projected material coordinate system) Parameters ---------- elem : varies an element object CQUAD4, CQUAD8, CQUADR CTRIA3, CTRIA6, CTRIAR Returns ------- is_mcid : bool the projected material coordinate system is used """ theta_mcid = getattr(elem, 'theta_mcid', None) return isinstance(theta_mcid, integer_types)
[docs] def check_theta(elem) -> float: theta = getattr(elem, 'theta_mcid', None) if theta is None: theta = 0. elif isinstance(theta, float): pass elif isinstance(theta, integer_types): raise ValueError('MCID is accepted by this function') return theta
[docs] def angle2vec(v1: np.ndarray, v2: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Using the definition of the dot product to get the angle v1 o v2 = |v1| * |v2| * cos(theta) theta = np.arccos( (v1 o v2) / (|v1|*|v2|)) """ denom = norm(v1, axis=1) * norm(v2, axis=1) theta = np.arccos((v1 * v2).sum(axis=1) / denom) return theta
[docs] def calc_imat(normals: np.ndarray, csysi: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the i vector in the material coordinate system. j = k x ihat jhat = j / |j| i = jhat x k Notes ----- i is not a unit vector because k (the element normal) is not a unit vector. """ jmat = cross(normals, csysi) # k x i jmat /= norm(jmat) imat = cross(jmat, normals) return imat
[docs] def data_in_material_coord(bdf: BDF, op2: OP2, in_place: bool=False, debug: bool=False) -> OP2: """Convert OP2 2D element outputs to material coordinates Nastran allows the use of 'PARAM,OMID,YES' to print 2D element forces, stresses and strains based on the material direction. However, the conversion only takes place in the F06 output file, whereas the OP2 output file remains in the element coordinate system. This function converts the 2D element vectors to the material OP2 similarly to most of the post-processing tools (Patran, Femap, HyperView, etc). It handles both 2D elements with MCID or THETA. Parameters ---------- bdf : :class:`.BDF` object A :class:`.BDF` object that corresponds to the 'op2'. op2 : :class:`.OP2` object A :class:`.OP2` object that corresponds to the 'bdf'. in_place : bool; default=False If true the original op2 object is modified, otherwise a new one is created. Returns ------- op2_new : :class:`.OP2` object A :class:`.OP2` object with the abovementioned changes. .. warning :: doesn't handle composite stresses/strains/forces .. warning :: doesn't handle solid stresses/strains/forces (e.g. MAT11) .. warning :: zeros out data for CQUAD8s """ log = bdf.log #eid_to_theta_rad = get_eid_to_theta_rad(bdf, debug) eid_to_theta_rad = get_eid_to_theta_rad2(bdf, debug) #assert len(eid_to_theta_rad) == len(eid_to_theta_rad2) #is_failed = False #for eid, theta1 in eid_to_theta_rad.items(): #theta2 = eid_to_theta_rad2[eid] #theta1_deg = np.degrees(theta1) #theta2_deg = np.degrees(theta2) #if not np.allclose(theta1_deg, theta2_deg): #elem = bdf.elements[eid] #log.warning(f'eid={eid} {elem.type} theta/mcid={elem.theta_mcid} theta1={theta1_deg} theta2={theta2_deg}') #is_failed = True #if is_failed: #x = 1 if in_place: op2_new = op2 else: op2_new = copy.deepcopy(op2) op2_new.log = log for vec_name in force_vectors: op2_vectors = getattr(op2.op2_results.force, vec_name) new_vectors = getattr(op2_new.op2_results.force, vec_name) for subcase, vector in op2_vectors.items(): new_vector = new_vectors[subcase] _transform_shell_force( vec_name, vector, new_vector, eid_to_theta_rad, log) if new_vector.data_frame is not None: new_vector.build_dataframe() for vec_name in stress_vectors: op2_vectors = getattr(op2.op2_results.stress, vec_name) new_vectors = getattr(op2_new.op2_results.stress, vec_name) for subcase, vector in op2_vectors.items(): new_vector = new_vectors[subcase] _transform_shell_stress( vec_name, vector, new_vector, eid_to_theta_rad, log) if new_vector.data_frame is not None: new_vector.build_dataframe() for vec_name in strain_vectors: op2_vectors = getattr(op2.op2_results.strain, vec_name) new_vectors = getattr(op2_new.op2_results.strain, vec_name) for subcase, vector in op2_vectors.items(): new_vector = new_vectors[subcase] _transform_shell_strain( vec_name, vector, new_vector, eid_to_theta_rad, log) if new_vector.data_frame is not None: new_vector.build_dataframe() return op2_new
[docs] def get_eid_to_theta_rad(bdf: BDF, debug: bool) -> dict[int, float]: eids = np.array(list(bdf.elements.keys())) elems = np.array(list(bdf.elements.values())) mcid = np.array([is_mcid(e) for e in elems]) elems_mcid = elems[mcid] elems_theta = elems[~mcid] theta_deg = np.full(elems.shape, np.nan, dtype='float64') theta_deg[~mcid] = np.array([check_theta(e) for e in elems_theta]) theta_rad = np.deg2rad(theta_deg) log = bdf.log if debug:'eids = {str(eids)}')'mcid = {str(mcid)}')'theta_deg = {str(theta_deg)}') #NOTE separating quad types to get vectorizable "corner" cquad_types = ['CQUAD4', 'CQUAD8', 'CQUADR'] for cquad_type in cquad_types: #if cquad_type not in bdf.card_count: #continue # elems with THETA this_quad = np.array([cquad_type == e.type for e in elems_theta]) if not np.any(this_quad): continue quad_elems = elems_theta[this_quad] corner = np.array([e.get_node_positions() for e in quad_elems]) g1 = corner[:, 0, :] g2 = corner[:, 1, :] g3 = corner[:, 2, :] g4 = corner[:, 3, :] beta_rad = angle2vec(g3 - g1, g2 - g1) gamma_rad = angle2vec(g4 - g2, g1 - g2) alpha_rad = (beta_rad + gamma_rad) / 2. tmp = theta_rad[~mcid] tmp[this_quad] += alpha_rad - beta_rad theta_rad[~mcid] = tmp # elems with MCID this_quad = np.array([cquad_type in e.type for e in elems_mcid]) if not np.any(this_quad): continue quad_elems = elems_mcid[this_quad] corner = np.array([e.get_node_positions() for e in quad_elems]) g1 = corner[:, 0, :] g2 = corner[:, 1, :] g3 = corner[:, 2, :] g4 = corner[:, 3, :] normals2 = np.array([e.Normal() for e in quad_elems]) normals = _get_normal(g3 - g1, g4 - g2) assert np.allclose(normals, normals2) csysi = np.array([bdf.coords[e.theta_mcid].i for e in quad_elems]) imat = calc_imat(normals, csysi) tmp = theta_rad[mcid] tmp[this_quad] = angle2vec(g2 - g1, imat) # getting sign of THETA check_normal = cross(g2 - g1, imat) tmp[this_quad] *= np.sign((check_normal * normals).sum(axis=1)) beta_rad = angle2vec(g3 - g1, g2 - g1) gamma_rad = angle2vec(g4 - g2, g1 - g2) alpha_rad = (beta_rad + gamma_rad) / 2. tmp[this_quad] += alpha_rad - beta_rad theta_rad[mcid] = tmp ctria_types = ['CTRIA3', 'CTRIA6', 'CTRIAR'] for ctria_type in ctria_types: #if ctria_type not in bdf.card_count: #continue # elems with MCID this_tria = np.array([ctria_type == e.type for e in elems_mcid]) if debug: log.debug(f'found {ctria_type} with thistria={this_tria}') if not np.any(this_tria): continue tria_elems = elems_mcid[this_tria] #eids = [elem.eid for elem in triaelems] # corner: (nelments, 6, 3) for a CTRIA6 corner = np.array([e.get_node_positions() for e in tria_elems]) g1 = corner[:, 0, :] g2 = corner[:, 1, :] g3 = corner[:, 2, :] normals2 = np.array([e.Normal() for e in tria_elems]) normals = _get_normal(g2 - g1, g3 - g1) assert np.allclose(normals, normals2) csysi = np.array([bdf.coords[e.theta_mcid].i for e in tria_elems]) imat = calc_imat(normals, csysi) tmp = theta_rad[mcid] tmp[this_tria] = angle2vec(g2 - g1, imat) # getting sign of THETA check_normal = cross(g2 - g1, imat) tmp[this_tria] *= np.sign((check_normal * normals).sum(axis=1)) theta_rad[mcid] = tmp eid_to_theta_rad = dict([[eid, theta] for eid, theta in zip(eids, theta_rad)]) return eid_to_theta_rad
def _get_tri_nodes(nids: np.ndarray, xyz_cid0: np.ndarray, element_nodes: np.ndarray) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: inode = np.searchsorted(nids, element_nodes) g1 = xyz_cid0[inode[:, 0], :] g2 = xyz_cid0[inode[:, 1], :] g3 = xyz_cid0[inode[:, 2], :] return g1, g2, g3 def _get_quad_nodes(nids: np.ndarray, xyz_cid0: np.ndarray, element_nodes: np.ndarray) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: inode = np.searchsorted(nids, element_nodes) g1 = xyz_cid0[inode[:, 0], :] g2 = xyz_cid0[inode[:, 1], :] g3 = xyz_cid0[inode[:, 2], :] g4 = xyz_cid0[inode[:, 3], :] return g1, g2, g3, g4
[docs] def get_eid_to_theta_rad2(model: BDF, debug: bool) -> dict[int, float]: coords = model.coords nid_cp_cd, xyz_cid0, *unused = model.get_xyz_in_coord_array( cid=0, fdtype='float64', idtype='int32') nids = nid_cp_cd[:, 0] #eids = [] #theta_deg = [] #eid_theta_ = [] #val_theta_ = [] eid_tri_mcid_ = [] val_tri_mcid_ = [] eid_quad_mcid_ = [] val_quad_mcid_ = [] eid_tri_theta_ = [] val_tri_theta_ = [] eid_quad_theta_ = [] val_quad_theta_ = [] eid_to_theta_rad = {} #etype_to_mcid = {} node_tri_mcid_ = [] node_quad_mcid_ = [] node_tri_theta_ = [] node_quad_theta_ = [] for eid, elem in model.elements.items(): etype = elem.type if etype in {'CQUAD4', 'CQUAD8', 'CQUADR'}: theta_mcid = elem.theta_mcid if isinstance(theta_mcid, float): #eids.append(eid) #theta_deg.append(theta_mcid) eid_quad_theta_.append(eid) val_quad_theta_.append(theta_mcid) node_quad_theta_.append(elem.nodes[:4]) continue eid_quad_mcid_.append(eid) val_quad_mcid_.append(theta_mcid) node_quad_mcid_.append(elem.nodes[:4]) elif etype in {'CTRIA3', 'CTRIA6', 'CTRIAR'}: theta_mcid = elem.theta_mcid if isinstance(theta_mcid, float): #eids.append(eid) #theta_deg.append(theta_mcid) eid_tri_theta_.append(eid) val_tri_theta_.append(theta_mcid) node_tri_theta_.append(elem.nodes[:3]) continue eid_tri_mcid_.append(eid) val_tri_mcid_.append(theta_mcid) node_tri_mcid_.append(elem.nodes[:3]) continue #theta_rad = np.radians(theta_deg) # put in dictionary form- maybe change later #eid_to_theta_rad = {eid: theta for eid, theta in zip(eids, theta_rad)} if len(eid_tri_theta_): # the triangle theta is defined from the line g1-g2 eid_tri_theta = np.array(eid_tri_theta_, dtype='int32') val_tri_theta_deg = np.array(val_tri_theta_, dtype='float64') #node_tri_theta = np.array(node_tri_theta_, dtype='int32') tri_theta_rad = np.radians(val_tri_theta_deg) for eid, theta in zip(eid_tri_theta, tri_theta_rad): eid_to_theta_rad[eid] = theta if len(eid_quad_theta_): # the quad theta hs # For CQUAD4 elements which are not p-elements and not hyperelastic, # the reference coordinate system is the default for output is the # element coordinate system. eid_quad_theta = np.array(eid_quad_theta_, dtype='int32') val_quad_theta_deg = np.array(val_quad_theta_, dtype='float64') node_quad_theta = np.array(node_quad_theta_, dtype='int32') quad_theta_rad = np.radians(val_quad_theta_deg) g1, g2, g3, g4 = _get_quad_nodes(nids, xyz_cid0, node_quad_theta) g21 = g2 - g1 g12 = -g21 beta_rad = angle2vec(g3 - g1, g21) gamma_rad = angle2vec(g4 - g2, g12) alpha_rad = (beta_rad + gamma_rad) / 2. theta_radi = alpha_rad - beta_rad for eid, theta in zip(eid_quad_theta, quad_theta_rad+theta_radi): eid_to_theta_rad[eid] = theta if len(eid_quad_mcid_): eid_quad_mcid = np.array(eid_quad_mcid_, dtype='int32') val_quad_mcid = np.array(val_quad_mcid_, dtype='int32') node_quad_mcid = np.array(node_quad_mcid_, dtype='int32') g1, g2, g3, g4 = _get_quad_nodes(nids, xyz_cid0, node_quad_mcid) g42 = g4 - g2 g31 = g3 - g1 g21 = g2 - g1 g12 = -g21 normals = _get_normal(g31, g42) csysi = np.array([coords[mcid].i for mcid in val_quad_mcid]) imat = calc_imat(normals, csysi) theta_radi = angle2vec(g21, imat) # getting sign of THETA check_normal = cross(g21, imat) theta_radi *= np.sign((check_normal * normals).sum(axis=1)) beta_rad = angle2vec(g31, g21) gamma_rad = angle2vec(g42, g12) alpha_rad = (beta_rad + gamma_rad) / 2. theta_radi += alpha_rad - beta_rad for eid, theta in zip(eid_quad_mcid, theta_radi): eid_to_theta_rad[eid] = theta if len(eid_tri_mcid_): eid_tri_mcid = np.array(eid_tri_mcid_, dtype='int32') val_tri_mcid = np.array(val_tri_mcid_, dtype='int32') node_tri_mcid = np.array(node_tri_mcid_, dtype='int32') #eids.append(eid_tri_mcid) g1, g2, g3 = _get_tri_nodes(nids, xyz_cid0, node_tri_mcid) g21 = g2 - g1 normals = _get_normal(g21, g3 - g1) csysi = np.array([coords[mcid].i for mcid in val_tri_mcid]) imat = calc_imat(normals, csysi) theta_radi = angle2vec(g21, imat) # getting sign of THETA check_normal = cross(g21, imat) theta_radi *= np.sign((check_normal * normals).sum(axis=1)) for eid, theta in zip(eid_tri_mcid, theta_radi): eid_to_theta_rad[eid] = theta return eid_to_theta_rad
def _get_normal(v1: np.ndarray, v2: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Cross product and divide by the magnitude so it's a unit normal""" normals = np.cross(v1, v2) normals /= np.linalg.norm(normals, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] return normals def _transform_shell_force(vec_name: str, vector: Union[RealPlateForceArray, RealPlateBilinearForceArray], new_vector: Union[RealPlateForceArray, RealPlateBilinearForceArray], eid_to_theta_rad: dict[int, float], log: SimpleLogger): vec_eids = get_eids_from_op2_vector(vector) #NOTE assuming thetarad=0 for elements that exist in the op2 but # not in the supplied bdf file vec_theta_rad = np.array([eid_to_theta_rad.get(eid, 0.0) for eid in vec_eids]) if vec_eids.shape[0] ==[1] // 5: #log.debug(f'A: vec_eids.shape={vec_eids.shape}{}') steps = [5, 5, 5, 5, 5] else: # assuming always that veceids.shape[0] ==[1] #log.debug(f'B: vec_eids.shape={vec_eids.shape}{}') steps = [1] for start, step in enumerate(steps): slicei = slice(start,[1], step) # membrane terms Sxx =[:, slicei, 0] Syy =[:, slicei, 1] Sxy =[:, slicei, 2] if == np.complex64 or == np.complex128: Sxx_theta_real, Syy_theta_real, Sxy_theta_real = transf_Mohr( Sxx.real, Syy.real, Sxy.real, vec_theta_rad)[:, slicei, 0].real = Sxx_theta_real[:, slicei, 1].real = Syy_theta_real[:, slicei, 2].real = Sxy_theta_real Sxx_theta_imag, Syy_theta_imag, Sxy_theta_imag = transf_Mohr( Sxx.imag, Syy.imag, Sxy.imag, vec_theta_rad)[:, slicei, 0].imag = Sxx_theta_imag[:, slicei, 1].imag = Syy_theta_imag[:, slicei, 2].imag = Sxy_theta_imag else: Sxx_theta, Syy_theta, Sxy_theta = transf_Mohr(Sxx, Syy, Sxy, vec_theta_rad)[:, slicei, 0] = Sxx_theta[:, slicei, 1] = Syy_theta[:, slicei, 2] = Sxy_theta # bending terms Sxx =[:, slicei, 3] Syy =[:, slicei, 4] Sxy =[:, slicei, 5] if == np.complex64 or == np.complex128: Sxx_theta_real, Syy_theta_real, Sxy_theta_real = transf_Mohr( Sxx.real, Syy.real, Sxy.real, vec_theta_rad)[:, slicei, 3].real = Sxx_theta_real[:, slicei, 4].real = Syy_theta_real[:, slicei, 5].real = Sxy_theta_real Sxx_theta_imag, Syy_theta_imag, Sxy_theta_imag = transf_Mohr( Sxx.imag, Syy.imag, Sxy.imag, vec_theta_rad)[:, slicei, 3].imag = Sxx_theta_imag[:, slicei, 4].imag = Syy_theta_imag[:, slicei, 5].imag = Sxy_theta_imag else: Sxx_theta, Syy_theta, Sxy_theta = transf_Mohr(Sxx, Syy, Sxy, vec_theta_rad)[:, slicei, 3] = Sxx_theta[:, slicei, 4] = Syy_theta[:, slicei, 5] = Sxy_theta # transverse terms Qx =[:, slicei, 6] Qy =[:, slicei, 7] cos_theta = cos(vec_theta_rad) sin_theta = sin(vec_theta_rad) if == np.complex64 or == np.complex128: Qx_new_real = cos_theta*Qx.real + sin_theta*Qy.real Qy_new_real = -sin_theta*Qx.real + cos_theta*Qy.real[:, slicei, 6].real = Qx_new_real[:, slicei, 7].real = Qy_new_real Qx_new_imag = cos_theta*Qx.imag + sin_theta*Qy.imag Qy_new_imag = -sin_theta*Qx.imag + cos_theta*Qy.imag[:, slicei, 6].imag = Qx_new_imag[:, slicei, 7].imag = Qy_new_imag else: Qx_new = cos_theta*Qx + sin_theta*Qy Qy_new = -sin_theta*Qx + cos_theta*Qy[:, slicei, 6] = Qx_new[:, slicei, 7] = Qy_new #TODO implement transformation for corner nodes # for now we just zero the wrong values if 'quad8' in vec_name: for j in [1, 2, 3, 4]:[:, j, :] = 0 def _transform_shell_stress( vec_name: str, vector: RealPlateStressArray, new_vector: RealPlateStressArray, eid_to_theta_rad: dict[int, float], log: SimpleLogger): vec_eids = get_eids_from_op2_vector(vector) check = (vec_eids != 0) if np.any(~check): log.warning(f'why are there 0 element ids? vec_eids={vec_eids}') vec_eids = vec_eids[check] #NOTE assuming thetarad=0 for elements that exist in the op2 but # not in the supplied bdf file vec_theta_rad = np.array([eid_to_theta_rad.get(eid, 0.0) for eid in vec_eids]) # bottom and top in-plane stresses if[2] > 3: Sxx =[:, :, 1][:, check] Syy =[:, :, 2][:, check] Sxy =[:, :, 3][:, check] else: Sxx =[:, :, 0][:, check] Syy =[:, :, 1][:, check] Sxy =[:, :, 2][:, check] if == np.complex64 or == np.complex128: Sxx_theta_real, Syy_theta_real, Sxy_theta_real = transf_Mohr(Sxx.real, Syy.real, Sxy.real, vec_theta_rad) Sxx_theta_imag, Syy_theta_imag, Sxy_theta_imag = transf_Mohr(Sxx.imag, Syy.imag, Sxy.imag, vec_theta_rad) tmp = np.zeros_like([:, :, 0][:, check]) tmp.real = Sxx_theta_real tmp.imag = Sxx_theta_imag[:, :, 0][:, check] = tmp tmp.real = Syy_theta_real tmp.imag = Syy_theta_imag[:, :, 1][:, check] = tmp tmp.real = Sxy_theta_real tmp.imag = Sxy_theta_imag[:, :, 2][:, check] = tmp else: Sxx_theta, Syy_theta, Sxy_theta = transf_Mohr(Sxx, Syy, Sxy, vec_theta_rad)[:, :, 1][:, check] = Sxx_theta[:, :, 2][:, check] = Syy_theta[:, :, 3][:, check] = Sxy_theta theta_deg_new = theta_deg_to_principal(Sxx_theta, Syy_theta, Sxy_theta)[:, :, 4][:, check] = theta_deg_new #TODO implement transformation for corner nodes # for now we just zero the wrong values if 'quad8' in vec_name: for i in [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]:[:, i, :] = 0 def _transform_shell_strain( vec_name: str, vector: RealPlateStrainArray, new_vector: RealPlateStrainArray, eid_to_theta_rad: dict[int, float], log: SimpleLogger): vec_eids = get_eids_from_op2_vector(vector) check = (vec_eids != 0) if np.any(~check): log.warning(f'why are there 0 element ids? vec_eids={vec_eids}') vec_eids = vec_eids[check] #NOTE assuming thetarad=0 for elements that exist in the op2 but # not in the supplied bdf file theta_rad = np.array([eid_to_theta_rad.get(eid, 0.0) for eid in vec_eids]) # bottom and top in-plane strains if[2] > 3: exx =[:, :, 1][:, check] eyy =[:, :, 2][:, check] exy =[:, :, 3][:, check] / 2. else: exx =[:, :, 0][:, check] eyy =[:, :, 1][:, check] exy =[:, :, 2][:, check] / 2. if == np.complex64 or == np.complex128: exx_theta_real, eyy_theta_real, exy_theta_real = transf_Mohr(exx.real, eyy.real, exy.real, theta_rad) exx_theta_imag, eyy_theta_imag, exy_theta_imag = transf_Mohr(exx.imag, eyy.imag, exy.imag, theta_rad) tmp = np.zeros_like([:, :, 0][:, check]) tmp.real = exx_theta_real tmp.imag = exx_theta_imag[:, :, 0][:, check] = tmp tmp.real = eyy_theta_real tmp.imag = eyy_theta_imag[:, :, 1][:, check] = tmp tmp.real = exy_theta_real * 2. tmp.imag = exy_theta_imag * 2.[:, :, 2][:, check] = tmp else: exx_theta, eyy_theta, exy_theta = transf_Mohr(exx, eyy, exy, theta_rad) theta_deg_new = theta_deg_to_principal(exx_theta, eyy_theta, exy_theta) # TODO: can we just add dtheta?[:, :, 1][:, check] = exx_theta[:, :, 2][:, check] = eyy_theta[:, :, 3][:, check] = exy_theta * 2.[:, :, 4][:, check] = theta_deg_new #TODO implement transformation for corner nodes # for now we just zero the wrong values if 'quad8' in vec_name: for i in [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]:[:, i, :] = 0