Source code for pyNastran.utils.dict_to_h5py

# coding: utf-8
 - mydict = load_obj_from_hdf5(hdf5_filename, log=None, debug=False)
 - mydict = load_obj_from_hdf5_file(mydict, h5_file, log=None, debug=False)
 - export_obj_to_hdf5(hdf5_filename, mydict)
 - export_obj_to_hdf5_file(hdf5_file, mydict)

- integers, floats, None, strings, unicode, lists, tuple,
- numpy arrays (including NaN),
- objects (including custom objects),
- scikit-learn StandardScalar
- minimal dependencies (e.g., no scikit-learn)

- Dictionary keys must be strings/unicode
- May run into problems if you have two classes with the same name,
  but point to different locations.  There is some support for this,
  but hopefully you aren’t using it.

#from types import MethodType, FunctionType

from typing import List, Optional, Any

import h5py
from h5py._hl.dataset import Dataset
import numpy as np
from cpylog import get_logger2

from pyNastran.utils import object_attributes, check_path
from pyNastran.utils.numpy_utils import integer_types, float_types

#integer_types = (int, np.int32, np.int64)
#float_types = (float, np.float32, np.float64)


[docs] def export_obj_to_hdf5(hdf5_filename, obj, user_custom_types=None, log=None, debug=False): """exports an object to an HDF5 file""" log = get_logger2(log=log, debug=debug, encoding='utf-8') with h5py.File(hdf5_filename, 'w') as hdf5_file:'starting export_op2_to_hdf5_file of %r' % hdf5_filename) export_obj_to_hdf5_file( hdf5_file, obj, user_custom_types=user_custom_types, log=log)
[docs] def export_obj_to_hdf5_file(hdf5_file, obj, user_custom_types=None, log=None, debug=False): """exports an object to an HDF5 file object""" exporter = HDF5Exporter(hdf5_file, user_custom_types=user_custom_types, log=log, debug=debug) exporter._create_dict_group(hdf5_file, obj, exporter.user_custom_types, nlevels=0)
[docs] class HDF5Exporter: def __init__(self, hdf5_file, user_custom_types=None, log=None, debug=False): log = get_logger2(log=log, debug=debug, encoding='utf-8') if user_custom_types is None: user_custom_types = [] self.user_custom_types = user_custom_types self.hdf5_file = hdf5_file self.log = log def _create_dict_group(self, hdf5_file, mydict, user_custom_types, nlevels): """creates the info HDF5 group""" key_types = [key.__class__.__name__ for key in mydict.keys()] ukey_types = set(list(key_types)) #if ukey_types: #print('ukey_types =', ukey_types) is_int = 'int' in ukey_types #if not len(ukey_types) in [0, 1]: #print('%skey_types = %s' % (nlevels*' ', list(key.__class__.__name__ for key in mydict.keys()))) #if is_int: #print('%sis_int = %s' % (nlevels*' ', is_int)) #is_int = any(isinstance(key, (integer_types, float_types)) for key in mydict.keys()) if is_int: sub_group = hdf5_file.create_group('dict_keys') if len(ukey_types): sub_group.attrs['key_type'] = list(ukey_types)[0] else: raise NotImplementedError('variable type key') #key_types2 = (str(key) for key in mydict.keys()) for key, value in sorted(mydict.items()): skey = str(key) self._add_dataset(hdf5_file, skey, value, user_custom_types, nlevels+1) else: for key, value in sorted(mydict.items()): self._add_dataset(hdf5_file, key, value, user_custom_types, nlevels+1) def _add_attrs(self, sub_group, obj, attrs, user_custom_types, nlevels): #print(nlevels*' ', sub_group, obj) for attr in attrs: #print('%sattr %s' % ((nlevels+1)*' ', attr)) if not hasattr(obj, attr): # an attribute is not required, but may exist continue value = getattr(obj, attr) #if not isinstance(value, (dict, list)): print('%sattr %s %s' % ((nlevels+1)*' ', attr, type(value))) self._add_dataset(sub_group, attr, value, user_custom_types, nlevels+1) def _add_dataset(self, hdf5_file, key, value, user_custom_types, nlevels): #print(key, type(key)) #print(key, type(key), value, type(value)) if value is None: # Nones can't be stored, so we create a custom type sub_group = hdf5_file.create_group(key) sub_group.attrs['type'] = 'None' return if isinstance(key, (integer_types, float_types)): raise TypeError('key=%r; key must be a string, not %s\nvalue:\n%r' % (key, type(key), value)) custom_types_list = user_custom_types + ['BDF', 'OP2', 'OP2Geom', 'StandardScaler', 'lil_matrix'] class_name = value.__class__.__name__ if isinstance(value, dict): try: sub_group = hdf5_file.create_group(key) except Exception: print('key = %s; type=%s' % (key, type(key))) raise sub_group.attrs['type'] = 'dict' self._create_dict_group(sub_group, value, user_custom_types, nlevels+1) elif isinstance(value, (integer_types, float_types, str, np.ndarray)): try: hdf5_file.create_dataset(key, data=value) except (TypeError, RuntimeError): print('key=%r value=%s type=%s' % (key, str(value), type(value))) raise elif isinstance(value, bytes): # # this is incomplete; we need to flag it as binary # #value_bytes = np.void(value) #hdf5_file.create_dataset(key, data=value_bytes) raise NotImplementedError(f'bytes is not supported (key={key}; value={value})') elif isinstance(value, tuple): add_list_tuple(hdf5_file, key, value, 'tuple', self.log) elif isinstance(value, list): add_list_tuple(hdf5_file, key, value, 'list', self.log) elif isinstance(value, set): add_list_tuple(hdf5_file, key, value, 'set', self.log) elif hasattr(value, 'export_hdf5_file'): #print('export_hdf5_file', key) sub_group = hdf5_file.create_group(key) sub_group.attrs['type'] = value.__class__.__name__ value.export_hdf5_file(sub_group, exporter=self) elif hasattr(value, 'get_h5attrs'): h5attrs = value.get_h5attrs() sub_group = hdf5_file.create_group(key) sub_group.attrs['type'] = value.__class__.__name__ self._add_attrs(sub_group, value, h5attrs, user_custom_types, nlevels+1) elif hasattr(value, 'object_attributes'): h5attrs = value.object_attributes(mode='both') sub_group = hdf5_file.create_group(key) sub_group.attrs['type'] = value.__class__.__name__ self._add_attrs(sub_group, value, h5attrs, user_custom_types, nlevels+1) elif class_name == 'lil_matrix': h5attrs = ['dtype', 'shape', 'ndim', 'nnz'] # 'data', 'rows' sub_group = hdf5_file.create_group(key) sub_group.attrs['type'] = value.__class__.__name__ self._add_attrs(sub_group, value, h5attrs, user_custom_types, nlevels+1) elif class_name == 'dtype': h5attrs = ['dtype'] sub_group = hdf5_file.create_group(key) sub_group.attrs['type'] = value.__class__.__name__ self._add_attrs(sub_group, value, h5attrs, user_custom_types, nlevels+1) elif class_name in custom_types_list: attrs = object_attributes(value, mode='both', keys_to_skip=None) sub_group = hdf5_file.create_group(key) sub_group.attrs['type'] = class_name self._add_attrs(sub_group, value, attrs, user_custom_types, nlevels+1) else: #print('string_types =', string_types) print('value =', value) msg = ( 'key=%r Type=%r is not in custom_types=%s and does not have:\n' ' - export_hdf5_file(h5_file)\n' ' - object_attributes()\n' ' - get_h5attrs(self)' % ( key, class_name, custom_types_list)) raise TypeError(msg)
#raise TypeError(type(value))
[docs] def add_list_tuple(hdf5_file, key, value, Type: str, log): """ tuples are indistinguishable from lists as a dataset, so we'll store it as a numpy array, list it, and then tuple it back lists/tuples with numpy unicode are special """ try: sub_group = hdf5_file.create_group(key) except ValueError: # pragma: no cover print('key=%s is duplicated' % key) print('value = ', value) raise sub_group.attrs['type'] = Type try: sub_group.create_dataset('value', data=value) except TypeError: # contains unicode sub_group.attrs['type'] = Type for i, valuei in enumerate(value): try: sub_group.create_dataset(str(i), data=valuei) except TypeError: log.error('key=%r Type=%r' % (key, Type)) print('value = %s' % str(value)) print('value[%i] = %s' % (i, str(valuei))) raise
[docs] def load_obj_from_hdf5(hdf5_filename: str, custom_types_dict=None, log=None, debug=False): """ loads an hdf5 file into an object Parameters ---------- hdf5_filename : str the h5 filename to load custom_types_dict : dict[key] : function() the custom mapper """ check_path(hdf5_filename, 'hdf5_filename') log = get_logger2(log=log, debug=debug, encoding='utf-8')'hdf5_filename = %r' % hdf5_filename) model = {} with h5py.File(hdf5_filename, 'r') as h5_file: load_obj_from_hdf5_file(model, h5_file, custom_types_dict=custom_types_dict, log=log, debug=debug) return model
[docs] def load_obj_from_hdf5_file(model, h5_file, log=None, custom_types_dict=None, debug=False): """loads an h5 file object into an dict object""" importer = HDF5Importer(h5_file, custom_types_dict=custom_types_dict, log=log, debug=debug) importer.load(model, h5_file)
[docs] class HDF5Importer: def __init__(self, h5_file, custom_types_dict=None, log=None, debug=False, encoding='utf8'): self.log = get_logger2(log=log, debug=debug, encoding='utf-8') if custom_types_dict is None: custom_types_dict = {} self.custom_types_dict = custom_types_dict self.h5_file = h5_file
[docs] def load(self, model, h5_file, self_obj=None): for key in h5_file.keys(): self._load_value(model, h5_file, key, self.custom_types_dict, self_obj, nlevels=1, encoding='utf8')
def _load_value(self, model, h5_file, key, custom_types_dict, self_obj, nlevels, encoding='utf8'): value = h5_file.get(key) keys = None if not hasattr(value, 'attrs'): #print('%s%s %s' % ((nlevels)*' ', key, value)) #print("%sno_attrs_cast" % ((nlevels)*' ')) value2 = cast(h5_file, key, value, nlevels) model[key] = value2 return # group attrs = value.attrs keys = list(attrs.keys()) if not keys: # not bytes # #print('%s%s %s' % ((nlevels)*' ', key, value)) #print("%sno_keys_cast" % ((nlevels)*' ')) value2 = cast(h5_file, key, value, nlevels) if isinstance(value2, bytes): value2 = value2.decode(encoding) model[key] = value2 return # keys exist #print('%s%s %s %s' % ((nlevels)*' ', key, value, keys)) Type = None if 'type' in keys: Type = value.attrs['type'] #print('%sType=%s' % ((nlevels)*' ', Type)) keys.remove('type') key_type = None if 'key_type' in keys: self.log.warning('not handling key_type for %s' % value) key_type = value.attrs['key_type'] #print('%sType=%s' % ((nlevels)*' ', key_type)) keys.remove('key_type') return function = None if 'function' in keys: function = value.attrs['function'] keys.remove('function') if keys: raise NotImplementedError(keys) if function is not None: _function_data = getattr(self_obj, function)(self, model, h5_file, key, value) model[key] = _function_data return if Type == 'dict': self._load_dict(model, h5_file, key, value, custom_types_dict, self_obj, nlevels+1, print_dict=False) elif Type == 'None': model[key] = None elif Type == 'list': _list = self._load_mixed_tuple_list(h5_file, key, value, custom_types_dict, self_obj, nlevels+1) model[key] = _list elif Type == 'tuple': _list = self._load_mixed_tuple_list(h5_file, key, value, custom_types_dict, self_obj, nlevels+1) model[key] = tuple(_list) elif Type == 'set': _list = self._load_mixed_tuple_list(h5_file, key, value, custom_types_dict, self_obj, nlevels+1) model[key] = set(_list) elif Type in custom_types_dict: try: obj = self._load_custom_type(h5_file, Type, key, value, custom_types_dict, self_obj, nlevels) except Exception: msg = ('Cannot load custom type: %s. Try setting:\n' ' - load_hdf5_file\n' ' - function\n' % (Type)) self.log.error(msg) raise model[key] = obj else: print('%s%s %s %s' % ((nlevels)*' ', key, value, keys)) custom_type_keys = list(custom_types_dict.keys()) custom_type_keys.sort() raise TypeError('Type=%r is not in custom_types_dict=%s' % (Type, custom_type_keys)) #print("%stype_cast Type=%s" % ((nlevels)*' ', Type)) #value2 = cast(h5_file, key, value, nlevels) #model[key] = value2 def _load_mixed_tuple_list(self, h5_file, key, value, custom_types_dict, self_obj, nlevels): """ Lists/tuples are stored as lists if the data doesn't contain unicode. Otherwise, they're stored like dictionaries, with string indices that are integer values. """ keys = value.keys() is_unicode_list = '0' in keys if is_unicode_list: mylist = self._load_unicode_list(h5_file, key, value, custom_types_dict, self_obj, nlevels) else: temp_dict = {} sub_h5 = value self._load_value(temp_dict, sub_h5, 'value', custom_types_dict, self_obj, nlevels+2) mylist = temp_dict['value'] return mylist def _load_unicode_list(self, h5_file, key, value, custom_types_dict, self_obj, nlevels): """ We have a dictionary like: data = { '1' : value1, '2' : value2, '3' : value3, } We do this because we need to worry about unicode """ temp_dict = {} sub_h5 = value self._load_dict(temp_dict, h5_file, key, value, custom_types_dict, self_obj, nlevels, print_dict=False) mydict = temp_dict[key] nvalues = len(mydict) mylist = [None] * nvalues for int_key, valuei in mydict.items(): i = int(int_key) mylist[i] = valuei return mylist def _load_custom_type(self, h5_file, Type, key, value, custom_types, self_obj, nlevels): """ The following custom methods can/should be defined in a class: - init_from_empty() - _init_from_self(parent) - get_custom_types() """ class_instance = custom_types[Type] #print('******Type=%r' % Type) if hasattr(class_instance, '_init_from_empty'): obj = class_instance._init_from_empty() elif hasattr(class_instance, '_init_from_self'): #print('self_obj', self_obj) obj = class_instance._init_from_self(self_obj) else: try: obj = class_instance() except Exception: self.log.error('%s cannot load with 0 arguments' % Type) raise temp_dict = {} local_custom_types = custom_types if hasattr(obj, 'load_hdf5_file'): keys = list(value.keys()) obj.load_hdf5_file(value) return obj if hasattr(obj, 'get_custom_types'): local_custom_types = obj.get_custom_types() #print('local_custom_types =', local_custom_types) print(key, value) self._load_dict(temp_dict, h5_file, key, value, local_custom_types, obj, nlevels+1, print_dict=False) #print('!!!!!!', temp_dict) for keyi, valuei in sorted(temp_dict[key].items()): #print('&& %s %s' % (keyi, valuei)) try: setattr(obj, keyi, valuei) except AttributeError: self.log.error('cant set %r as %s; is this a property?' % (keyi, valuei)) continue return obj def _load_dict(self, model, h5_file, key, value, custom_types, self_obj, nlevels, print_dict=True): #print('%svalue = %s' % (nlevels*' ', value)) keys = value.keys() new_dict = {} sub_h5 = value for keyi in sorted(keys): self._load_value(new_dict, sub_h5, keyi, custom_types, self_obj, nlevels+2) if print_dict: print('%s%s' % (nlevels*' ', str(new_dict))) model[key] = new_dict
[docs] def cast(h5_file: Dataset, key: str, value, nlevels: int): """casts a value""" # value #print('%s****castingA' % (nlevels*' ')) #print(key, value) try: value2 = _cast(h5_file.get(key)) except AttributeError: print(key) raise #print('%s****%s' % (nlevels*' ', value2)) #print('%s %r : %s %s' % (nlevels*' ', key, value2, type(value2))) return value2
def _cast(h5_result_attr) -> Optional[Any]: """converts the h5py type back into the actual type""" if h5_result_attr is None: return None if len(h5_result_attr.shape) == 0: # np.int32/np.float32/np.str_ # calling tolist() doesn't make it a list; it makes it an int/float/str out = np.array(h5_result_attr).tolist() #raise NotImplementedError(h5_result_attr.dtype) else: out = np.array(h5_result_attr) if == 'object': out = out.tolist() #assert not isinstance(out, bytes), f'out={out!r}' #if isinstance(out, bytes): #out = out.decode(encoding) return out def _cast_array(h5_result_attr) -> Optional[Any]: """converts the h5py type back into the actual type""" if h5_result_attr is None: return None if len(h5_result_attr.shape) == 0: # np.int32/np.float32/np.str_ # calling tolist() doesn't make it a list; it makes it an int/float/str out = np.array(h5_result_attr).tolist() raise RuntimeError(out) #raise NotImplementedError(h5_result_attr.dtype) else: out = np.array(h5_result_attr) #assert not isinstance(out, bytes), f'out={out!r}' #if isinstance(out, bytes): #out = out.decode(encoding) return out
[docs] def cast_strings(group, encoding: str) -> list[str]: bytes_list = _cast(group) str_list = [bytesi.decode(encoding) for bytesi in bytes_list] return str_list
[docs] def cast_string(h5_result_attr, encoding: str) -> Optional[str]: """converts the h5py type back into the actual type""" if h5_result_attr is None: return None if len(h5_result_attr.shape) == 0: out = np.array(h5_result_attr).tolist() #out_str = out_bytes.decode(encoding) #out_lst = np.array(h5_result_attr).tolist() #raise NotImplementedError(f'dtype={h5_result_attr.dtype}; out_lst={out_lst!r}') else: # pragma: no cover out = np.array(h5_result_attr) raise NotImplementedError(f'dtype={h5_result_attr.dtype}; out_bytes={out_bytes!r}') if isinstance(out, str): return out elif isinstance(out, bytes): out_str = out.decode(encoding) else: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError(f'dtype={h5_result_attr.dtype}; out={out!r}') #print(f'name={} out={out_str!r} type={type(out_str)}') return out_str