usm3d Package
digraph inheritancea7c639bfc3 {
"pyNastran.converters.usm3d.iface_format.IFace" [URL="#pyNastran.converters.usm3d.iface_format.IFace",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top"];
- class pyNastran.converters.usm3d.iface_format.IFace(log=None, debug=None)[source]
- read_iface(iface_filename)[source]
BC File… nFaces nBouc, nRegions, ???
nFaces - number of faces on the surface nBouc - ??? nRegions - number of independent surfaces that are set in the mapbc file ???? -
Cogsg File… header = {
‘dummy’: 6266912, ‘nBoundPts’: 28434, ‘nPoints’: 79734, ‘nElements’: 391680, ‘nViscPts’: 26304, ‘nViscElem’: 130560, ‘tc’: 0.0, ‘inew’: -1,
- pyNastran.converters.usm3d.time_accurate_results.get_flo_files(dirname, model_name, nstart=0, nlimit=None, include_dirname_in_path=True)[source]
get the flo files in ascending order
- pyNastran.converters.usm3d.time_accurate_results.get_flo_files_from_n(dirname, model_name, n_list, include_dirname_in_path=True)[source]
get the flo files in ascending order
- pyNastran.converters.usm3d.time_accurate_results.get_n_list(dirname, model_name)[source]
- gets files of the form:
modelname + ‘_xxx.flo’
digraph inheritancecce3e313a8 {
"pyNastran.converters.usm3d.usm3d_reader.Usm3d" [URL="#pyNastran.converters.usm3d.usm3d_reader.Usm3d",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="Usm3d interface class"];
- Defines:
- Usm3d(log=None, debug=False)
read_cogsg(cogsg_file, stop_after_header=False)
read_usm3d(self, basename, dimension_flag, read_loads=True)
read_bc(self, bc_filename, stop_after_header=False, get_lbouf=False)
read_flo(self, flo_filename, n=None, node_ids=None)
- class pyNastran.converters.usm3d.usm3d_reader.Usm3d(log=None, debug=None)[source]
Usm3d interface class
Initializes the Usm3d object
- Parameters:
- debugbool/None; default=True
- used to set the logger if no logger is passed in
True: logs debug/info/error messages False: logs info/error messages None: logs error messages
- loglogging module object / None
if log is set, debug is ignored and uses the settings the logging object has
- bcmap_to_bc_name = {0: 'Supersonic Inflow', 1: 'Reflection plane', 2: 'Supersonic Outflow', 3: 'Subsonic Outer Boundaries', 4: 'Viscous Surfaces', 5: 'Inviscid aerodynamic surface', 44: 'Blunt base', 55: 'Thick Trailing Edges', 101: 'Engine-intake', 102: 'Engine-exhaust (Jet Core)', 103: 'Engine-exhaust (Fan)', 201: 'Engine-intake', 202: 'Engine-exhaust (Jet Core)', 203: 'Engine-exhaust (Fan)', 1001: 'Special inflow', 1002: 'Special Outflow (Fixed Pressure)'}
- read_bc(bc_filename: str, stop_after_header: bool = False, get_lbouf: bool = False) tuple[list[int], ndarray, ndarray] [source]
- read_cogsg(cogsg_filename: str, stop_after_header: bool = False) tuple[ndarray, ndarray] [source]
Reads the *.cogsg file
- Returns:
- nodes(N, 3) float ndarray
the nodes
- tet_elements???
- read_flo(flo_filename: str, n=None, node_ids=None) tuple[ndarray, dict[str, ndarray]] [source]
- ipltqn is a format code where:
ipltqn = 0 (no printout)
ipltqn = 1 (unformatted)
ipltqn = 2 (formatted) - default
- Parameters:
- flo_filenamestr
the name of the file to read
- nint; default=None
the number of points to read (initializes the array) n is typically the number of points, but is not required to be this lets you read nodes 1…n, but not greater than n+1. node_ids must be set to None.
- node_idslist[int]; default=None
the specific points to read (n must be set to None).
- nvars = 5
(nodeID, rho, rhoU, rhoV, rhoW) = sline (e) = line
- nvars = 6
(nodeID, rho, rhoU, rhoV, rhoW, e) = line
- Also, Nastran-esque float formatting is sometimes used,
- so 5.0-100 exists, which is 5.0E-100. We just assume it’s 0.
- Returns:
- node_id(nnodes, ) int ndarray
the node ids for the selected loads
- loadsdict[result_name]data
- result_namestr
the name of the result
- data(nnodes, ) float ndarray
the data corresponding to the result_name
- read_mapbc(mapbc_filename)[source]
0 - Supersonic Inflow 1 - Reflection plane 2 - Supersonic Outflow 3 - Subsonic Outer Boundaries 4 - Viscous Surfaces 5 - Inviscid aerodynamic surface 44 - Blunt base 55 - Thick Trailing Edges n*100+3 - Engine-exhaust (Fan) n*100+2 - Engine-exhaust (Jet Core) n*100+1 - Engine-intake 1001 - Special inflow 1002 - Special Outflow (Fixed Pressure)
0 - Freestream - Supersonic Inflow (Bounding Box) 2 - Extrapolation - Supersonic Outflow (Bounding Box)
1 - Reflection Plane - Tangent Flow - (Symmetry Plane) 3 - Characteristic Inflow - Subsonic Inflow/Outflow/Sideflow (Bounding Box)
4 - Inviscid Surface (Physical) 5 - Viscous Surface (Physical) #==============================
#Thu Dec 19 11:46:03 2013 Patch # BC Family #surf surfIDs Family #——————————————————– 1 44 44 0 0 Base -> Blunt base 2 4 4 0 0 Bay -> Viscous Surfaces 3 0 0 0 0 Inflow -> Supersonic Inflow 4 2 2 0 0 Outflow -> Supersonic Outflow 5 3 3 0 0 Sideflow -> Characteristic Inflow/Outflow 7 1 1 0 0 Symmetry -> Reflection plane
- read_usm3d(basename: str, unused_dimension_flag: int, read_loads: bool = True)[source]
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- nodes(nnodes, 3) float ndarray
the xyz coordinates
- tris_tets???
- tris(ntri, 3) int ndarray
0-based node indices
- bcs(ntris, ) int ndarray
1-based patch/”property” IDs
- mapbcdict[patch_id]map_line
patch_id : int map_line : list[bc, family, surf, surf_ids]
- bcint
boundary condition number
- familyint
family number
- surfint
surface number
- surf_idsstr
- loadsdict[]
- flo_filenamestr
the latest result filename None : no *.flo file could be found static : *.flo transient : *_xxx.flo
- pyNastran.converters.usm3d.usm3d_reader.read_bc(bc_filename: str, stop_after_header: bool = False, get_lbouf: bool = False) tuple[list[int], ndarray, ndarray] [source]
- pyNastran.converters.usm3d.usm3d_reader.read_flo(flo_filename: str, n=None, node_ids=None) tuple[ndarray, dict[str, ndarray]] [source]
reads a *.flo file
- pyNastran.converters.usm3d.usm3d_reader.read_usm3d(basename: str, log=None, debug=None) Usm3d [source]
reads a usm3d file