Referencing pyNastran (AIAA Format)
Official Release
Doyle, S., “PyNastran: A Python-based interface tool for Nastran’s file formats”, Version 1.3.4,
Dev Release
Doyle, S., “PyNastran: A Python-based interface tool for Nastran’s file formats”, Version 1.4.0+dev.ed62bb134,
- You can access the version by typing the following on the command line:
pyNastranGUI –version
If you get a no checksum error (you didn’t checkout the code from git), use:
Doyle, S., “PyNastran: A Python-based interface tool for Nastran’s file formats”, Accessed 19 January 2024,
References to pyNastran
- S. Doyle, J. Robinson, V. Ho, G. Ogawa and M. Baker, "Aeroelastic Optimization of Wing Structure Using Curvilinear Spars and Ribs (SpaRibs) and SpaRibMorph," in AIAA, 2017.
- J. Robinson, S. Doyle, G. Ogawa, M. Baker, S. De, M. Jrad, R. Kapania and C.-G. Pak, "Aeroelastic Optimization of Wing Structure Using Curvilinear Spars and Ribs (SpaRibs)," in 58th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, AIAA SciTech Forum, 2016.
- Reasor, D. A., Bhamidipati, K. K., and Chin A. W. "X-56A Aeroelastic Flight Test Predictions,". Edwards Air Force Base, CA. 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeeting. San Diego, CA. AIAA 2016-1053. 2016.
- R. Palacios and A. Cea, "Nonlinear Modal Condensation of Large Finite Element Models: Application of Hodges’s Intrinsic Theory," AIAA Journal: Special Section on Asymptotic Analyses, Dynamics, and Aeroelasticity, vol. 57, no. 10, pp. 4255-4268, October 2019.
- P. Beran, E. Forester, Schrock and Chris, "Adaptive Multi-Fidelity Methods for Physics-Based Decision-Making," AFOSR Computational Mathematics Program Review, Arlington, VA, 2017.
- H. v. Weers and S. Vyas, "Thermal Simulation with OpenModelica of the X-IFU Focal Plane in the Athena X-ray Space Observatory," Netherlands Institute for Space Research, 2019.
- B. M. Nickerson, "Development of an Integrated Numerical Method for the Fatigue Analysis of Railway Bogies," Faculty of Engineering at Stellenbosch University: Master of Engineering (Mechanical), Western Cape, South Africa, 2017.
- M. Ghienne, "Doctoral Thesis: Design and Characterization of Bolted Connections for Robust Reduction of structural Vibrations," Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM), Paris, France, 2017.
- B. M. Sauerer, "• Order-reduced simulation models and consideration of additive manufacturing in the mathematical optimization of mechanical structures," Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany, 2017.
- V. S. d. Santos and H. Pegado, "Use of Third-Order Piston Theory in Panel Flutter Analysis on Composite Laminated Plaets with NASTRAN," Xli Cilamce, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 2020.
- J. H. Bussemaker, "Wing Optimization with Active Load Control," Delft University of Technology, Holland, Netherlands, 2018.
- L. B. Soriano, "Validation and Extension of an MDO Frameword including Dynamic Aeroelastic Analysis," University of Madrid, Madrid, CA, 2020.
- J. S. Gray, J. T. Hwang, J. R. R. A. Martins, K. T. Moore and B. A. Naylor, "OpenMDAO: An Open-Source Framework for Multidisciplinary Design, Analysis, and Optimization," in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2019.
- J. Deaton, "Multidisciplinary-design Adaptation and Sensitivity Toolkit (MAST)," Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), 24 Jul 2020. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 19 December 2020].
- "pSeven Changelog," DataAdvance, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 20 December 2020].