Source code for pyNastran.bdf.utils

from six import iteritems
import os
from numpy import unique, cross, dot, array

[docs]def _clean_comment(comment, end=-1): """ Removes specific pyNastran comment lines so duplicate lines aren't created. :param comment: the comment to possibly remove """ if comment[:end] in ['$EXECUTIVE CONTROL DECK', '$CASE CONTROL DECK', '$NODES', '$SPOINTS', '$ELEMENTS', '$PARAMS', '$PROPERTIES', '$ELEMENTS_WITH_PROPERTIES', '$ELEMENTS_WITH_NO_PROPERTIES (PID=0 and unanalyzed properties)', '$UNASSOCIATED_PROPERTIES', '$MATERIALS', '$THERMAL MATERIALS', '$CONSTRAINTS', '$SPCs', '$MPCs', '$RIGID ELEMENTS', '$LOADS', '$AERO', '$AERO CONTROL SURFACES', '$FLUTTER', '$DYNAMIC', '$OPTIMIZATION', '$COORDS', '$THERMAL', '$TABLES', '$RANDOM TABLES', '$SETS', '$CONTACT', '$REJECTS', '$REJECT_LINES', '$PROPERTIES_MASS', '$MASSES']: comment = '' return comment
[docs]class CardParseSyntaxError(SyntaxError): pass
[docs]def to_fields(card_lines, card_name): """ Converts a series of lines in a card into string versions of the field. Handles large, small, and CSV formatted cards. :param lines: the lines of the BDF card object :param card_name: the card_name -> 'GRID' :returns fields: the string formatted fields of the card .. warning:: this function is used by the reader and isn't intended to be called by a separate process .. code-block:: python >>> card_lines = []'GRID,1,,1.0,2.0,3.0'] >>> card_name = 'GRID' >>> fields = to_fields(lines, card_name) >>> fields ['GRID', '1', '', '1.0', '2.0', '3.0'] """ fields = [] # first line line = card_lines.pop(0) if '=' in line: msg = 'card_name=%r\nequal signs are not supported...line=%r' % (card_name, line) raise CardParseSyntaxError(msg) if '\t' in line: line = line.expandtabs() if ',' in line: msg = 'tabs and commas in the same line are not supported...line=%r' % line raise CardParseSyntaxError(msg) if '*' in line: # large field if ',' in line: # csv new_fields = line[:72].split(',')[:5] for i in range(5 - len(new_fields)): new_fields.append('') else: # standard new_fields = [line[0:8], line[8:24], line[24:40], line[40:56], line[56:72]] fields += new_fields assert len(fields) == 5 else: # small field if ',' in line: # csv new_fields = line[:72].split(',')[:9] for i in range(9 - len(new_fields)): new_fields.append('') else: # standard new_fields = [line[0:8], line[8:16], line[16:24], line[24:32], line[32:40], line[40:48], line[48:56], line[56:64], line[64:72]] fields += new_fields assert len(fields) == 9, fields for j, line in enumerate(card_lines): # continuation lines #for i, field in enumerate(fields): # if field.strip() == '+': # raise RuntimeError('j=%s field[%s] is a +' % (j,i)) if '=' in line and card_name != 'EIGRL': msg = 'card_name=%r\nequal signs are not supported...line=%r' % (card_name, line) raise CardParseSyntaxError(msg) if '\t' in line: line = line.expandtabs() if ',' in line: msg = 'tabs and commas in the same line are not supported...line=%r' % line raise CardParseSyntaxError(msg) if '*' in line: # large field if ',' in line: # csv new_fields = line[:72].split(',')[1:5] for i in range(4 - len(new_fields)): new_fields.append('') else: # standard new_fields = [line[8:24], line[24:40], line[40:56], line[56:72]] assert len(new_fields) == 4 else: # small field if ',' in line: # csv new_fields = line[:72].split(',')[1:9] for i in range(8 - len(new_fields)): new_fields.append('') else: # standard new_fields = [line[8:16], line[16:24], line[24:32], line[32:40], line[40:48], line[48:56], line[56:64], line[64:72]] if len(new_fields) != 8: nfields = len(new_fields) msg = 'nFields=%s new_fields=%s' % (nfields, new_fields) raise RuntimeError(msg) fields += new_fields return [field.strip() for field in fields]
[docs]def get_include_filename(card_lines, include_dir=''): """ Parses an INCLUDE file split into multiple lines (as a list). :param card_lines: the list of lines in the include card (all the lines!) :param include_dir: the include directory (default='') :returns filename: the INCLUDE filename """ cardLines2 = [] for line in card_lines: line = line.strip('\t\r\n ') cardLines2.append(line) cardLines2[0] = cardLines2[0][7:].strip() # truncate the cardname filename = ''.join(cardLines2) filename = filename.strip('"').strip("'") if ':' in filename: ifilepaths = filename.split(':') filename = os.path.join(*ifilepaths) filename = os.path.join(include_dir, filename) return filename
[docs]def parse_executive_control_deck(executive_control_lines): """ Extracts the solution from the executive control deck """ sol = None method = None iSolLine = None for (i, eline) in enumerate(executive_control_lines): uline = eline.strip().upper() # uppercase line uline = uline.split('$')[0].expandtabs() if uline[:4] in ['SOL ']: if ',' in uline: sline = uline.split(',') # SOL 600,method solValue = sline[0].strip() method = sline[1].strip() else: solValue = uline method = None if sol is None: sol = solValue[3:].strip() else: raise ValueError('cannot overwrite solution existing=' '|SOL %s| new =|%s|' % (sol, uline)) iSolLine = i return sol, method, iSolLine
[docs]def clean_empty_lines(lines): """ Removes leading and trailing empty lines don't remove internally blank lines """ found_lines = False if len(lines) < 2: return lines for i, line in enumerate(lines): if not found_lines and line: found_lines = True n1 = i n2 = i + 1 elif found_lines and line: n2 = i + 1 lines2 = lines[n1:n2] return lines2
[docs]def parse_patran_syntax(node_sets): """ Parses Patran's syntax for compressing nodes/elements :param node_sets: the node_set to parse :returns nodes: list of integers Patran has a short syntax of the form: +------------+----------------------+ | String | Output | +------------+----------------------+ |"1 2 3" | [1, 2, 3] | +------------+----------------------+ |"5:10" | [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] | +------------+----------------------+ |"12:20:2" | [12, 14, 16, 18, 20] | +------------+----------------------+ Example ------- .. code-block:: python >>> node_sets = "1 2 3 5:10 12:20:2" >>> data = parse_patran_syntax(node_sets) >>> data data = [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20] .. warning:: Don't include the n/node or e/element or any other identifier, just a string of "1 2 3 5:10 12:20:2". Use parse_patran_syntax_dict to consider the identifier. .. note:: doesn't support "1:#" """ snodes = node_sets.split() nodes = [] for snode in snodes: if ':' in snode: ssnode = snode.split(':') if len(ssnode) == 2: nmin, nmax = int(ssnode[0]), int(ssnode[1]) new_set = list(range(nmin, nmax + 1)) elif len(ssnode) == 3: nmin, nmax, delta = int(ssnode[0]), int(ssnode[1]), int(ssnode[2]) nmin, nmax, delta = int(ssnode[0]), int(ssnode[1]), int(ssnode[2]) if delta > 0: new_set = list(range(nmin, nmax + 1, delta)) else: new_set = list(range(nmax, nmin + 1, -delta)) else: raise NotImplementedError(snode) nodes += new_set else: nodes.append(int(snode)) return unique(nodes)
[docs]def parse_patran_syntax_dict(node_sets): """ Parses Patran's syntax for compressing nodes/elements :param node_sets: the node_set to parse :returns nodes: list of integers .. code-block:: python node_sets = "e 1:3 n 2:6:2 Node 10:13" data = parse_patran_syntax_dict(node_sets) data = { 'e' : [1, 2, 3], 'n' : [2, 4, 6], 'Node' : [10, 11, 12, 13], } .. note:: the identifier (e.g. "e") must be used. Use parse_patran_syntax to skip the identifier. .. note:: doesn't support "1:#" """ data = {} snodes = node_sets.split() key = None for snode in snodes: if ':' in snode: ssnode = snode.split(':') if len(ssnode) == 2: nmin, nmax = int(ssnode[0]), int(ssnode[1]) new_set = list(range(nmin, nmax + 1)) elif len(ssnode) == 3: nmin, nmax, delta = int(ssnode[0]), int(ssnode[1]), int(ssnode[2]) if delta > 0: new_set = list(range(nmin, nmax + 1, delta)) else: new_set = list(range(nmax, nmin + 1, -delta)) else: raise NotImplementedError(snode) if key is None: msg = 'data must be of the form "Node 10:13", not "10:13"\n' msg += 'new_set=%s' % array(new_set, dtype='int32') raise SyntaxError(msg) data[key] += new_set else: if snode.isdigit(): data[key].append(int(snode)) else: key = snode if key is None: msg = 'data must be of the form "Node 10:13", not "10:13"' raise SyntaxError(msg) if key not in data: data[key] = [] for key, ints in iteritems(data): data[key] = unique(ints) return data
[docs]def Position(xyz, cid, model, is_cid_int=True): """ Gets the point in the global XYZ coordinate system. :param xyz: the position of the GRID in an arbitrary coordinate system :type xyz: TYPE = NDARRAY. SIZE=(3,) :param cid: the coordinate ID for xyz :type cid: int :param model: the BDF model object :type model: BDF() :returns xyz2: the position of the GRID in an arbitrary coordinate system :type xyz2: TYPE = NDARRAY. SIZE=(3,) """ if is_cid_int: cp = model.Coord(cid) else: cp = cid xyz2, matrix = cp.transformToGlobal(xyz) return xyz2
[docs]def TransformLoadWRT(F, M, cid, cid_new, model, is_cid_int=True): """ Transforms a force/moment from an arbitrary coordinate system to another coordinate system. :param Fxyz: the force in an arbitrary coordinate system :type Fxyz: TYPE = NDARRAY. SIZE=(3,) :param Mxyz: the moment in an arbitrary coordinate system :type Mxyz: TYPE = NDARRAY. SIZE=(3,) :param cid: the coordinate ID for xyz :type cid: int :param cid_new: the desired coordinate ID :type cid_new: int :param model: the BDF model object :type model: BDF() :param is_cid_int: is cid/cid_new an integer or a Coord object :type is_cid_int: bool :returns Fxyz_local: the force in an arbitrary coordinate system :type Fxyz_local: TYPE = NDARRAY. SIZE=(3,) :returns Mxyz_local: the force in an arbitrary coordinate system :type MxyMxyz_local: TYPE = NDARRAY. SIZE=(3,) """ if cid == cid_new: # same coordinate system return F, M # find the vector r for doing: # M = r x F if is_cid_int: cp = model.Coord(cid) coordB = model.Coord(cid_new) else: cp = cid coordB = cid_new r = cp.origin - coordB.origin # change R-theta-z to xyz Fxyz_local_1 = cp.coordToXYZ(F) Mxyz_local_1 = cp.coordToXYZ(M) # pGlobal = pLocal1 * beta1 + porigin1 # pGlobal = pLocal2 * beta2 + porigin2 # pLocal1 * beta1 + porigin1 = pLocal2 * beta2 + porigin2 # plocal1 * beta1 + porigin1 - porigin2 = plocal2 * beta2 # (plocal1 * beta1 + porigin1 - porigin2) * beta2.T = plocal2 # # origin transforms only apply to nodes, so... # Fglobal = Flocal1 * beta1 # Flocal2 = (Flocal1 * beta1) * beta2.T Fxyz_global = dot(Fxyz_local_1, cp.beta()) Fxyz_local_2 = dot(dot(Fxyz_local_1, cp.beta()), coordB.beta().T) # find the moment about the new origin due to the force Mxyz_global = cross(r, Fxyz_global) dMxyz_local_2 = cross(r, Fxyz_local_2) Mxyz_local_2 = Mxyz_local_1 + dMxyz_local_2 # rotate the delta moment into the local frame M_local = coordB.XYZtoCoord(Mxyz_local_2) return Fxyz_local_2, Mxyz_local_2
[docs]def PositionWRT(xyz, cid, cid_new, model, is_cid_int=True): """ Gets the location of the GRID which started in some arbitrary system and returns it in the desired coordinate system :param xyz: the position of the GRID in an arbitrary coordinate system :type xyz: TYPE = NDARRAY. SIZE=(3,) :param cid: the coordinate ID for xyz :type cid: int :param cid_new: the desired coordinate ID :type cid_new: int :param model: the BDF model object :type model: BDF() :returns xyz_local: the position of the GRID in an arbitrary coordinate system :type xyz_local: TYPE = NDARRAY. SIZE=(3,) """ if cid == cid_new: # same coordinate system return xyz if is_cid_int: cp = model.Coord(cid) coordB = model.Coord(cid_new) else: cp = cid coordB = cid_new if 0: # pGlobal = pLocal1 * beta1 + porigin1 # pGlobal = pLocal2 * beta2 + porigin2 # pLocal1 * beta1 + porigin1 = pLocal2 * beta2 + porigin2 # plocal1 * beta1 + porigin1 - porigin2 = plocal2 * beta2 # (plocal1 * beta1 + porigin1 - porigin2) * beta2.T = plocal2 # convert R-Theta-Z_1 to xyz_1 p1_local = cp.coordToXYZ(xyz) # transform xyz_1 to xyz_2 p2_local = dot(dot(p1_local, cp.beta()) + cp.origin - coordB.origin, coordB.beta().T) # convert xyz_2 to R-Theta-Z_2 xyz_local = coordB.XYZtoCoord(p2_local) else: # converting the xyz point arbitrary->global xyz_global, matrixDum = cp.transformToGlobal(xyz) # a matrix global->local matrix is found matrix = coordB.beta() xyz_local = coordB.transformToLocal(xyz_global, matrix) return xyz_local