Source code for pyNastran.converters.cart3d.cart3d_reader

#pylint:  disable=C0103,C0111
from __future__ import print_function
from six import iteritems
from six.moves import zip, range
import os
import sys
from struct import Struct, pack, unpack
from math import ceil
from collections import defaultdict

from numpy import zeros, where, savetxt, sqrt, abs, amax, amin
from numpy import arange, vstack, unique, hstack, ravel, cross
from numpy.linalg import norm

from pyNastran.utils import is_binary_file
from pyNastran.utils.log import get_logger

[docs]def convert_to_float(svalues): values = [] for value in svalues: values.append(float(value)) return values
[docs]def comp2tri(self, in_filenames, out_filename, is_binary=False, float_fmt='%6.7f'): """ Combines multiple Cart3d files (binary or ascii) into a single file. :param in_filenames: list of filenames :param out_filename: output filename :param is_binary: is the output filename binary (default=False) :param float_fmt: the format string to use for ascii writing (default='%6.7f') .. note:: assumes loads is None """ points = [] elements = [] regions = [] #ne = 0 npi = 0 nri = 0 model = Cart3DReader() for infilename in in_filenames: point, element, region, load = model.read_cart3d(infilename) np = point.shape[0] #ne = element.shape[0] nr += len(unique(region)) element += npi - 1 region += nri points.append(point) elements.append(element) regions.append(region) npi += np nri += nr points = vstack(points) elements = vstack(elements) regions = vstack(regions) self.write_cart3d(out_filename, points, elements, regions, loads=None, is_binary=False, float_fmt=float_fmt)
[docs]class Cart3DReader(object): modelType = 'cart3d' isStructured = False isOutwardNormals = True def __init__(self, log=None, debug=False): self.readHalf = False self.cartType = None # grid, results self.nPoints = None self.nElements = None self.infile = None self.infilename = None self.log = get_logger(log, 'debug' if debug else 'info')
[docs] def make_mirror_model(self, nodes, elements, regions, loads, axis='y', tol=0.000001): """ Makes a full cart3d model about the given axis. :param nodes: the nodes; (nnodes, 3) ndarray :param elements: the elmements; (nelements, 3) ndarray :param regions: the regions; (nelements) ndarray :param loads: not supported; dictionary of (nnodes) ndarray :param axis: a string of "x", "y", "z", "-x", "-y", "-z" :param tol: the tolerance for the centerline points (default=0.000001) """'---starting make_mirror_model---') assert tol >= 0, 'tol=%r' % tol # prevents hacks to the axis nnodes = nodes.shape[0] assert nnodes > 0, 'nnodes=%s' % nnodes nelements = elements.shape[0] assert nelements > 0, 'nelements=%s' % nelements ax = self._get_ax(axis) if ax in [0, 1, 2]: # positive x, y, z values; mirror to -side iy0 = where(nodes[:, ax] > tol)[0] ax2 = ax elif ax in [3, 4, 5]: # negative x, y, z values; mirror to +side iy0 = where(nodes[:, ax-3] < -tol)[0] ax2 = ax - 3 # we create ax2 in order to generalize the data updating else: raise NotImplementedError(axis) # the nodes to be duplicated are the nodes that aren't below the tolerance nodes_upper = nodes[iy0] nodes_upper[:, ax2] *= -1.0 # flip the nodes about the axis nodes2 = vstack([nodes, nodes_upper]) nnodes2 = nodes2.shape[0] assert nnodes2 > nnodes, 'nnodes2=%s nnodes=%s' % (nnodes2, nnodes) nnodes_upper = nodes_upper.shape[0] elements_upper = elements.copy() nelements = elements.shape[0] # remap the mirrored nodes with the new node ids for eid in range(nelements): element = elements_upper[eid, :] for i, eidi in enumerate(element): if eidi in iy0: elements_upper[eid][i] = nnodes_upper + eidi # we need to reverse the element in order to get # the proper normal vector elements_upper[eid] = elements_upper[eid, ::-1] elements2 = vstack([elements, elements_upper]) nelements2 = elements2.shape[0] assert nelements2 > nelements, 'nelements2=%s nelements=%s' % (nelements2, nelements) nregions = len(unique(regions)) regions_upper = regions.copy() + nregions regions2 = hstack([regions, regions_upper]) loads2 = {} for key, data in iteritems(loads): # flip the sign on the flipping axis terms if((key in ['U', 'rhoU'] and ax2 == 0) or (key in ['V', 'rhoV'] and ax2 == 1) or (key in ['W', 'rhoW'] and ax2 == 2)): data_upper = -data[iy0] else: data_upper = data[iy0] loads2[key] = hstack([data, data_upper])'---finished make_mirror_model---') return (nodes2, elements2, regions2, loads2)
[docs] def _get_ax(self, axis): axis = axis.lower().strip() if axis in ['+x', 'x', 0]: ax = 0 elif axis in ['+y', 'y', 1]: ax = 1 elif axis in ['+z', 'z', 2]: ax = 2 elif axis in ['-x', 3]: ax = 3 elif axis == ['-y', 4]: ax = 4 elif axis == ['-z', 5]: ax = 5 else: raise NotImplementedError('axis=%r' % axis)"axis=%r ax=%s" % (axis, ax)) return ax
[docs] def make_half_model(self, nodes, elements, regions, loads=None, axis='y', remap_nodes=True): """ Makes a half model from a full model ... note:: Cp is really loads['Cp'] and was meant for loads analysis only """ if loads is None: loads = {} nnodes = nodes.shape[0] assert nnodes > 0, 'nnodes=%s' % nnodes nelements = elements.shape[0] assert nelements > 0, 'nelements=%s' % nelements inodes_remove = set([])'---starting make_half_model---') ax = self._get_ax(axis) if ax in [0, 1, 2]: # remove values > 0 inodes_save = where(nodes[:, ax] >= 0.0)[0] elif ax in [3, 4, 5]: # remove values < 0 inodes_save = where(nodes[:, ax-3] <= 0.0)[0] else: raise NotImplementedError('axis=%r ax=%s' % (axis, ax)) inodes_save.sort() inodes_map = arange(len(inodes_save)) assert 0 < len(inodes_save) < nnodes, 'len(inodes_save)=%s nnodes=%s' % (len(inodes_save), nnodes) nodes2 = nodes[inodes_save, :] nnodes2 = nodes2.shape[0] assert 0 < nnodes2 < nnodes, 'nnodes=%s nnodes2=%s' % (nnodes, nnodes2) inodes_save += 1 # +1 is so we don't have to shift inode # .. todo:: still need to handle element's node id renumbering ielements_save = set([]) for ielement in range(nelements): save_element = True element = elements[ielement, :] # could be faster... for inode in element: if inode not in inodes_save: save_element = False break if save_element: ielements_save.add(ielement) ielements_save = list(ielements_save) ielements_save.sort() elements2 = elements[ielements_save] regions2 = regions[ielements_save] # renumbers mesh nelements2, three = elements2.shape assert 0 < nelements2 < nelements, 'nelements=%s nelements2=%s' % (nelements, nelements2) remap_nodes = False if amax(elements2) > len(inodes_save): # build a dictionary of old node ids to new node ids nodes_map = {} for i in range(1, len(inodes_save) + 1): nid = inodes_save[i - 1] nodes_map[nid] = i # update the node ids for ielement in range(nelements2): element = elements2[ielement, :] elements[ielement, :] = [nodes_map[nid] for nid in element] loads2 = {} # 'Cp', 'Mach', 'U', etc. for key, load in iteritems(loads): loads2[key] = load[inodes_save]'---finished make_half_model---') return (nodes2, elements2, regions2, loads2)
[docs] def write_cart3d(self, outfilename, points, elements, regions, loads=None, is_binary=False, float_fmt='%6.7f'): assert len(points) > 0, 'len(points)=%s' % len(points) if loads is None or loads == {}: loads = {} is_loads = False print("no loads") else: is_loads = True"---writing cart3d file...%r---" % outfilename) f = open(outfilename, 'wb') int_fmt = self.write_header(f, points, elements, is_loads, is_binary) self.write_points(f, points, is_binary, float_fmt) self.write_elements(f, elements, is_binary, int_fmt) self.write_regions(f, regions, is_binary) if is_loads: assert is_binary is False, 'is_binary=%r is not supported for loads' % is_binary self.write_loads(f, loads, is_binary, float_fmt) f.close()
[docs] def write_header(self, f, points, elements, is_loads, is_binary=False): npoints = points.shape[0] nelements = elements.shape[0] if is_binary: if is_loads: msg = pack('>iiiii', 3*4, npoints, nelements, 6, 4) else: msg = pack('>iiii', 2*4, npoints, nelements, 4) int_fmt = None else: if is_loads: msg = "%s %s 6\n" % (npoints, nelements) else: msg = "%s %s\n" % (npoints, nelements) # take the max value, string it, and length it # so 123,456 is length 6 int_fmt = '%%%si' % len(str(nelements)) f.write(msg) return int_fmt
[docs] def write_points(self, f, points, is_binary, float_fmt='%6.6f'): if is_binary: four = pack('>i', 4) f.write(four) npoints = points.shape[0] fmt = '>%if' % (npoints * 3) floats = pack(fmt, *ravel(points)) f.write(floats) f.write(four) else: savetxt(f, points, float_fmt)
[docs] def write_elements(self, f, elements, is_binary, int_fmt='%6i'): min_e = elements.min() assert min_e == 1, 'min(elements)=%s' % min_e if is_binary: four = pack('>i', 4) f.write(four) nelements = elements.shape[0] fmt = '>%ii' % (nelements * 3) ints = pack(fmt, *ravel(elements)) f.write(ints) f.write(four) else: savetxt(f, elements, int_fmt)
[docs] def write_regions(self, f, regions, is_binary): if is_binary: four = pack('>i', 4) f.write(four) nregions = len(regions) fmt = '>%ii' % nregions ints = pack(fmt, *regions) f.write(ints) f.write(four) else: savetxt(f, regions, '%i')
[docs] def write_loads(self, f, loads, is_binary, float_fmt='%6.6f'): if is_binary: raise NotImplementedError('is_binary=%s' % is_binary) else: Cp = loads['Cp'] rho = loads['rho'] rhoU = loads['rhoU'] rhoV = loads['rhoV'] rhoW = loads['rhoW'] E = loads['E'] nrows = len(Cp) fmt = '%s\n%s %s %s %s %s\n' % (float_fmt, float_fmt, float_fmt, float_fmt, float_fmt, float_fmt) for (cpi, rhoi, rhou, rhov, rhoe, e) in zip(Cp, rho, rhoU, rhoV, rhoW, E): f.write(fmt % (cpi, rhoi, rhou, rhov, rhoe, e))
[docs] def read_cart3d(self, infilename, result_names=None): """extracts the points, elements, and Cp""" self.infilename = infilename"---starting reading cart3d file...%r---" % self.infilename) self.infilename = infilename if is_binary_file(infilename): self.infile = open(infilename, 'rb') (self.nPoints, self.nElements) = self.read_header_binary() points = self.read_points_binary(self.nPoints) elements = self.read_elements_binary(self.nElements) regions = self.read_regions_binary(self.nElements) loads = {} else: self.infile = open(infilename, 'r') self.read_header_ascii() points = self.read_points_ascii() elements = self.read_elements_ascii(bypass=False) regions = self.read_regions_ascii(bypass=False) loads = self.read_results_ascii(0, self.infile, result_names=result_names) self.infile.close()"nPoints=%s nElements=%s" % (self.nPoints, self.nElements))"---finished reading cart3d file...%r---" % self.infilename) assert self.nPoints > 0, 'nPoints=%s' % self.nPoints assert self.nElements > 0, 'nElements=%s' % self.nElements return (points, elements, regions, loads)
[docs] def read_header_ascii(self): line = self.infile.readline() sline = line.strip().split() if len(sline) == 2: self.nPoints, self.nElements = int(sline[0]), int(sline[1]) self.cartType = 'grid' elif len(sline) == 3: self.nPoints = int(sline[0]) self.nElements = int(sline[1]) self.nResults = int(sline[2]) self.cartType = 'results' else: raise ValueError('invalid result type') if self.readHalf: self.nElementsRead = self.nElements // 2 self.nElementsSkip = self.nElements // 2 else: self.nElementsRead = self.nElements self.nElementsSkip = 0
[docs] def read_points_ascii(self): """ A point is defined by x,y,z and the ID is the location in points. """ p = 0 data = [] assert self.nPoints > 0, 'nPoints=%s' % self.nPoints points = zeros((self.nPoints, 3), dtype='float32') while p < self.nPoints: data += self.infile.readline().strip().split() while len(data) > 2: x = data.pop(0) y = data.pop(0) z = data.pop(0) points[p] = [x, y, z] p += 1 maxX = self.get_max(points, 0) maxY = self.get_max(points, 1) maxZ = self.get_max(points, 2) minX = self.get_min(points, 0) minY = self.get_min(points, 1) minZ = self.get_min(points, 2)"X max=%g min=%g" % (maxX, minX))"Y max=%g min=%g" % (maxY, minY))"Z max=%g min=%g" % (maxZ, minZ)) return points
[docs] def get_min(self, points, i): return amin(points[:, i])
[docs] def get_max(self, points, i): return amax(points[:, i])
[docs] def read_elements_ascii(self, bypass=False): """ An element is defined by n1,n2,n3 and the ID is the location in elements. """ assert bypass == False, 'bypass=%r' % bypass assert self.nElementsRead > 0, 'nPoints=%s' % self.nPoints elements = zeros((self.nElementsRead, 3), dtype='int32')"nElementsRead=%s nElementsSkip=%s" % (self.nElementsRead, self.nElementsSkip)) e = 0 data = [] while e < self.nElementsRead: data += self.infile.readline().strip().split() while len(data) > 2: n1 = int(data.pop(0)) n2 = int(data.pop(0)) n3 = int(data.pop(0)) elements[e] = [n1, n2, n3] e += 1 e = 0 while e < self.nElementsSkip: data += self.infile.readline().strip().split() while len(data) > 2: data.pop() # popping from the end is faster data.pop() data.pop() e += 1 return elements
[docs] def read_regions_ascii(self, bypass=True): regions = zeros(self.nElementsRead, dtype='int32') if bypass: for i in range(self.nElements): self.infile.readline() else: r = 0 data = [] while r < self.nElementsRead: data = self.infile.readline().strip().split() ndata = len(data) regions[r : r + ndata] = data r += ndata r = 0 while r < self.nElementsSkip: data = self.infile.readline().strip().split() ndata = len(data) r += ndata return regions
[docs] def read_results_ascii(self, i, infile, result_names=None): """ Reads the Cp results. Results are read on a nodal basis from the following table: Cp rho,rhoU,rhoV,rhoW,rhoE With the following definitions: Cp = (p - 1/gamma) / (0.5*M_inf*M_inf) rhoVel^2 = rhoU^2+rhoV^2+rhoW^2 M^2 = rhoVel^2/rho^2 Thus: p = (gamma-1)*(e- (rhoU**2+rhoV**2+rhoW**2)/(2.*rho)) p_dimensional = qInf * Cp + pInf # ??? rho,rhoU,rhoV,rhoW,rhoE :param result_names: the results to read; default=None -> All result_names = ['Cp', 'rho', 'rhoU', 'rhoV', 'rhoW', 'rhoE', 'Mach', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'E'] """ loads = {} assert self.cartType in ['grid', 'results'], self.cartType if self.cartType == 'grid': return loads if result_names is None: result_names = ['Cp', 'rho', 'rhoU', 'rhoV', 'rhoW', 'rhoE', 'Mach', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'E']'---starting read_results---') results = zeros((self.nPoints, 6), dtype='float32') nResultLines = int(ceil(self.nResults / 5.)) - 1 for ipoint in range(self.nPoints): # rho rhoU,rhoV,rhoW,pressure/rhoE/E sline = infile.readline().strip().split() i += 1 for n in range(nResultLines): sline += infile.readline().strip().split() # Cp i += 1 #gamma = 1.4 #else: # p=0. sline = _get_list(sline) # Cp # rho rhoU rhoV rhoW E # 0.416594 # 1.095611 0.435676 0.003920 0.011579 0.856058 results[ipoint, :] = sline #p=0 #cp = sline[0] #rho = float(sline[1]) #if(rho > abs(0.000001)): #rhoU = float(sline[2]) #rhoV = float(sline[3]) #rhoW = float(sline[4]) #rhoE = float(sline[5]) #mach2 = (rhoU) ** 2 + (rhoV) ** 2 + (rhoW) ** 2 / rho ** 2 #mach = sqrt(mach2) #if mach > 10: #print("nid=%s Cp=%s mach=%s rho=%s rhoU=%s rhoV=%s rhoW=%s" % (pointNum, cp, mach, rho, rhoU, rhoV, rhoW)) #print("pt=%s i=%s Cp=%s p=%s" %(pointNum,i,sline[0],p)) del sline return self._calculate_results(result_names, results)
[docs] def _calculate_results(self, result_names, results): Cp = results[:, 0] rho = results[:, 1] rhoU = results[:, 2] rhoV = results[:, 3] rhoW = results[:, 4] E = results[:, 5] ibad = where(rho <= 0.000001)[0] if len(ibad) > 0: if 'Mach' in result_names: Mach = sqrt(rhoU**2 + rhoV**2 + rhoW**2)# / rho Mach[ibad] = 0.0 if 'U' in result_names: U = rhoU / rho U[ibad] = 0.0 if 'U' in result_names: V = rhoV / rho V[ibad] = 0.0 if 'W' in result_names: W = rhoW / rho W[ibad] = 0.0 #if 'rhoE' in result_names: #rhoE = rhoE / rho #e[ibad] = 0.0 is_bad = True n = 0 #for i in ibad: #print("nid=%s Cp=%s mach=%s rho=%s rhoU=%s rhoV=%s rhoW=%s" % (i, Cp[i], Mach[i], rho[i], # rhoU[i], rhoV[i], rhoW[i])) #Mach[i] = 0.0 #n += 1 #if n > 10: # break else: is_bad = False loc = locals() loads = {} if 'Cp' in result_names: loads['Cp'] = Cp if 'rhoU' in result_names: loads['rhoU'] = rhoU if 'rhoV' in result_names: loads['rhoV'] = rhoV if 'rhoW' in result_names: loads['rhoW'] = rhoW #if 'rhoE' in result_names: #loads['rhoE'] = rhoE if 'rho' in result_names: loads['rho'] = rho if 'Mach' in result_names: if not is_bad: #Mach = sqrt(rhoU**2 + rhoV**2 + rhoW**2) / rho Mach = sqrt(rhoU**2 + rhoV**2 + rhoW**2) loads['Mach'] = Mach if 'U' in result_names: if not is_bad: U = rhoU / rho loads['U'] = U if 'V' in result_names: if not is_bad: V = rhoV / rho loads['V'] = V if 'W' in result_names: if not is_bad: W = rhoW / rho loads['W'] = W if 'E' in result_names: #if not is_bad: #E = rhoE / rho loads['E'] = E #i = where(Mach == max(Mach))[0][0]"i=%s Cp=%s rho=%s rhoU=%s rhoV=%s rhoW=%s Mach=%s" % (i, Cp[i], rho[i], rhoU[i], # rhoV[i], rhoW[i], Mach[i]))'---finished read_results---') return loads
[docs] def read_header_binary(self): data = size, = unpack(b'>i', data) data = so4 = size // 4 # size over 4 if so4 == 3: (nPoints, nElements, nResults) = unpack(b'>iii', data)"nPoints=%s nElements=%s nResults=%s" % (nPoints, nElements, nResults)) self.cartType = 'grid' elif so4 == 2: (nPoints, nElements) = unpack(b'>ii', data)"nPoints=%s nElements=%s" % (nPoints, nElements)) self.cartType = 'results' else: raise RuntimeError('in the wrong spot...endian...') # end of first block, start of second block return (nPoints, nElements)
[docs] def read_points_binary(self, npoints): size = npoints * 12 # 12=3*4 all the points n = 0 points = zeros(npoints * 3, dtype='float32') s = Struct(b'>3000f') # 3000 floats; 1000 points while size > 12000: # 12k = 4 bytes/float*3 floats/point*1000 points data = * 3000) nodeXYZs = s.unpack(data) points[n:n+3000] = nodeXYZs n += 3000 size -= 4 * 3000 assert size >= 0, 'size=%s' % size if size > 0: data = Format = b'>%if' % (size // 4) nodeXYZs = unpack(Format, data) points[n:] = nodeXYZs points = points.reshape((npoints, 3)) # end of second block, start of third block return points
[docs] def read_elements_binary(self, nelements): self.nElementsRead = nelements self.nElementsSkip = 0 size = nelements * 12 # 12=3*4 all the elements elements = zeros(self.nElements*3, dtype='int32') n = 0 s = Struct(b'>3000i') while size > 12000: # 4k is 1000 elements data = * 3000) nodes = s.unpack(data) elements[n : n + 3000] = nodes size -= 4 * 3000 n += 3000 assert size >= 0, 'size=%s' % size if size > 0: data = Format = b'>%ii' % (size // 4) nodes = unpack(Format, data) elements[n:] = nodes elements2 = elements.reshape((nelements, 3)) # end of third (element) block, start of regions (fourth) block return elements2
[docs] def read_regions_binary(self, nelements): size = nelements * 4 # 12=3*4 all the elements s = Struct(b'>3000i') regions = zeros(self.nElementsRead, dtype='int32') nr = 0 while size > 12000: # 12k is 3000 elements data = * 3000) try: region_data = s.unpack(data) except: print("len =", len(data)) raise delta = len(region_data) regions[nr:nr+delta] = region_data nr += delta size -= 4 * 3000 assert size >= 0, 'size=%s' % size if size > 0: data = Format = b'>%ii' % (size // 4) try: region_data = unpack(Format, data) except: print("len =", len(data)) raise r = nelements if len(regions[nr:]) != len(region_data): msg = 'len(regions[nr:]=%s len(region_data)=%s' % (len(regions[nr:]), len(region_data)) raise RuntimeError(msg) regions[nr:] = region_data size = 0 # end of regions (fourth) block return regions
[docs] def read_results_binary(self, i, infile, result_names=None): pass
[docs] def get_normals(self, nodes, elements, shift_nodes=True): """ Gets the centroidal normals :param self: The reader object :param nodes: the ndarray of nodes :param elements: the ndarray of triangles :param shift_nodes: boolean to shift element IDs such that the node IDs start at 0 instead of 1 True : nodes start at 1 False : nodes start at 0 :retval cnormals: the ndarray of normalized centroidal normal vectors """ if shift_nodes: p1 = nodes[elements[:, 0] - 1, :] p2 = nodes[elements[:, 1] - 1, :] p3 = nodes[elements[:, 2] - 1, :] else: p1 = nodes[elements[:, 0], :] p2 = nodes[elements[:, 1], :] p3 = nodes[elements[:, 2], :] ne = elements.shape[0] a = p2 - p1 b = p3 - p1 n = cross(a, b) assert len(n) == ne, 'len(n)=%s ne=%s' % (len(n), ne) ni = norm(n, axis=1) assert len(ni) == ne, 'len(ni)=%s ne=%s' % (len(ni), ne) assert ni.min() > 0, ni n /= ni[:, None] # normal vector return n
[docs] def get_normals_at_nodes(self, nodes, elements, cnormals, shift_nodes=True): """ Gets the nodal normals :param self: The reader object :param nodes: the ndarray of nodes :param elements: the ndarray of triangles :param cnormals: the ndarray of normalized centroidal normal vectors :param shift_nodes: boolean to shift element IDs such that the node IDs start at 0 instead of 1 True : nodes start at 1 False : nodes start at 0 :retval nnormals: the ndarray of normalized nodal normal vectors """ nnodes = nodes.shape[0] nid_to_eids = defaultdict(list) if shift_nodes: for eid, element in enumerate(elements - 1): n1, n2, n3 = element nid_to_eids[n1].append(eid) nid_to_eids[n2].append(eid) nid_to_eids[n3].append(eid) else: # find the elements to consider for each node for eid, element in enumerate(elements): n1, n2, n3 = element nid_to_eids[n1].append(eid) nid_to_eids[n2].append(eid) nid_to_eids[n3].append(eid) nnormals = zeros((nnodes, 3), dtype='float64') for nid in range(nnodes): eids = nid_to_eids[nid] if len(eids) == 0: raise RuntimeError('nid=%s is not used' % nid) ni_avg = cnormals[eids, :] nnormals[nid] = cnormals[eids, :].sum(axis=0) ni = norm(nnormals, axis=1) assert ni.min() > 0, ni nnormals /= ni[:, None] # normal vector return nnormals
[docs]def _get_list(sline): """Takes a list of strings and converts them to floats.""" try: sline2 = convert_to_float(sline) except ValueError: print("sline = %s" % sline) raise SyntaxError('cannot parse %s' % sline) return sline2 #class Cart3d_Mesher(Cart3DReader): #def __init__(self, log=None, debug=False): #Cart3DReader(self, log=log, debug=debug)
[docs]def main(): import time t0 = time.time() # binary #cart3dGeom = os.path.join('flat.tri') # half #full_model = os.path.join('flat_full.tri') cart3dGeom = 'Cart3d_bwb.i.tri' rewrite = 'Cart3d_bwb_rewrite.tri' half_model = 'Cart3d_bwb_half.tri' full_model = 'Cart3d_bwb_full.tri' log = None debug = False cart = Cart3DReader(log, debug) # ascii/binary (points, elements, regions, loads) = cart.read_cart3d(cart3dGeom) cart.write_cart3d(rewrite, points, elements, regions) (points, elements, regions, loads) = cart.make_half_model(points, elements, regions, loads) cart.write_cart3d(half_model, points, elements, regions) (points2, elements2, regions2, loads2) = cart.make_mirror_model(points, elements, regions, loads) cart.write_cart3d(full_model, points2, elements2, regions2) print("dt = ", time.time() - t0) sys.exit('made half model') # ascii cart3dGeom = os.path.join('models', 'threePlugs.a.tri') outfilename = os.path.join('models', 'threePlugs2.a.tri') cart2 = Cart3DReader(log, debug) (points, elements, regions, loads) = cart2.read_cart3d(cart3dGeom) cart2.write_cart3d(outfilename, points, elements, regions) if 0: basepath = os.getcwd() configpath = os.path.join(basepath, 'inputs') workpath = os.path.join(basepath, 'outputsFinal') #bdfModel = os.path.join(configpath,'aeroModel.bdf') #assert os.path.exists(bdfModel),'%r doesnt exist' % bdfModel os.chdir(workpath) print("basepath", basepath) cart3dGeom = os.path.join(configpath, 'Cart3d_bwb2.i.tri') cart3dGeom2 = os.path.join(workpath, 'Cart3d_half.i.tri') cart3dGeom3 = os.path.join(workpath, 'Cart3d_full.i.tri') #cart3dGeom4 = os.path.join(workpath,'Cart3d_full2.i.tri') cart = Cart3DReader(log, debug) (points, elements, regions, loads) = cart.read_cart3d(cart3dGeom) (points, elements, regions, loads) = cart.make_half_model(points, elements, regions, loads, axis='y', remap_nodes=True) (points, elements, regions, loads) = cart.make_mirror_model(points, elements, regions, loads, axis='y') cart.write_cart3d(cart3dGeom2, points, elements, regions) #cart = Cart3DAsciiReader(cart3dGeom) # bJet.a.tri #(cartPoints,elements,regions,loads) = #points2 = {} #for (iPoint,point) in sorted(iteritems(points)): #(x,y,z) = point #print("p=%s x=%s y=%s z=%s z2=%s" %(iPoint,x,y,z,z+x/10.)) #points2[iPoint] = [x,y,z+x/10.] #(points, elements, regions, loads) = cart.make_mirror_model(points2, elements, regions, loads) cart2 = Cart3DReader() (points, elements, regions, loads) = cart2.read_cart3d(cart3dGeom2) #makeFullModel (points, elements, regions, loads) = cart2.make_mirror_model(points, elements, regions, loads) # half model values going in cart2.write_cart3d(cart3dGeom3, points, elements, regions) #cart3 = Cart3DReader(cart3dGeom2) #(points, elements, regions, loads) = cart3.read_cart3d() #(points, elements, regions, loads) = cart3.make_mirror_model(points, elements, regions, loads) #print("loads = ",list_print(loads), len(loads)) #cartOutfile = os.path.join(workpath, 'bJet.a.tri_test') #cart.writeInfile(cartOutfile, cartPoints, elements, regions)
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover main()