Source code for

from six import string_types, iteritems
import os

from numpy import array, ndarray

from pyNastran.utils import object_attributes

[docs]def get_files_of_type(dirname, extension='.txt', maxSize=100.): """ Gets the list of all the files with a given extension in the specified directory :param dirname: the directory name :param extension: list of filetypes to get (default='.txt') :param maxSize: size in MB for max file size :returns: list of all the files with a given extension in the specified directory """ if not os.path.exists(dirname): return [] return [os.path.join(dirname, f) for f in os.listdir(dirname) if extension in os.path.splitext(f)[1] and os.path.getsize(os.path.join(dirname, f)) / (1048576.) <= maxSize]
[docs]def list_print(lst, float_fmt='%-4.2f'): """ Prints a list, numpy array, or numpy matrix in an abbreviated format. Supported element types: None, string, numbers. Useful for debugging. :param lst: list, numpy array or numpy matrix :returns: the clean string representation of the object """ def _print(val): if val is None or isinstance(val, string_types): return str(val) if isinstance(val, float): return float_fmt % val try: return '%g' % val except TypeError: print("parameter = %r" % val) raise try: # TODO: remove try block and fix bug in OP2 code or add a warning message if len(lst) == 0: return '[]' if isinstance(lst, ndarray) and lst.ndim == 2: r,c = lst.shape return ("["+",\n ".join(["["+",".join([float_fmt % lst[i, j] for j in range(c)])+"]" for i in range(r)])+"]") return "[" + ", ".join([_print(a) for a in lst]) + "]" except: # not a list return _print(lst)
[docs]def write_class(name, obj, nspaces=0, nbase=0): objectType = obj.__class__.__name__ obj_attrs = object_attributes(obj, 'both') if not obj_attrs: return "%s()" % objectType spaces = ' ' * nspaces nspaces2 = nspaces + 4 #spaces2 = nspaces2 * ' ' msg = "%s(\n" % objectType for attr in obj_attrs[:-1]: value = getattr(obj, attr) #msg += '?' msg += write_object_attributes(attr, value, nspaces2, nbase, isClass=True) attr = obj_attrs[-1] value = getattr(obj, attr) msg += write_object_attributes(attr, value, nspaces2, nbase, isClass=True) msg += '%s)' % spaces #print "dir(obj) =", dir(obj) #print "obj_attrs =", obj_attrs return msg
[docs]def write_object_attributes(attr, obj, nspaces, nbase=0, isClass=False): msg = '' if isinstance(obj, int) or isinstance(obj, float) or obj is None: msg += '%s' % (str(obj)) elif isinstance(obj, str): msg += "'%s'" % obj elif isinstance(obj, unicode): msg += "u'%s'" % obj elif isinstance(obj, list): msg += write_list(obj, nspaces, nbase, isClass) elif isinstance(obj, tuple): msg += write_tuple(obj, nspaces, nbase, isClass) elif isinstance(obj, dict): msg += write_dict(obj, nspaces, nbase, isClass) else: objectType = type(obj) #raise RuntimeError('objectType=%s is not supported; value=%s' % (objectType, obj)) return msg
[docs]def write_dict(obj, nspaces, nbase, isClass): spaces = (nbase+nspaces) * ' ' nspaces2 = nspaces + 4 if len(obj) == 0: return '{}' msg = '{\n' for key, value in sorted(iteritems(obj)): #msg += '#' msg += write_object_attributes(key, value, nspaces2, nbase, isClass=False) msg += '%s}' % spaces return msg
[docs]def write_list(obj, nspaces, nbase, isClass): if len(obj) == 0: return '[]' return ' ' * (nspaces + nbase) + "???" # don't choke on long numpy arrays spaces = ' ' * (nspaces + nbase) msg = '[\n%s ' % spaces for value in obj[:-1]: msg += write_value(value, nspaces+4, nbase, isClass) + ', ' msg += write_value(obj[-1], nspaces+4, nbase, isClass) + '\n%s]' % spaces return msg
[docs]def write_tuple(obj, nspaces, nbase, isClass): msg = '(' for value in obj: msg += write_value(value, nspaces, nbase, isClass) + ', ' msg += ')' return msg
[docs]def write_array(a, nspaces=0): return ' '*nspaces + '[???]' shape = a.shape dtype = a.dtype if len(shape) == 1: msg = 'array([' #print "a = ",a for ai in a[:-1]: #print "ai = ",ai if isinstance(ai, int) or isinstance(ai, float): msg += '%s, ' % ai elif isinstance(ai, str): msg += "'%s'," % ai else: objectType = type(ai) raise RuntimeError('objectType=%s is not supported; value=%s' % (objectType, ai)) return "'array(.not supported type.)'" msg += '%s, ' % ai if len(a) > 0: if isinstance(a[-1], int) or isinstance(a[-1], float): msg += "%s], dtype='%s')" % (a[-1], dtype) elif isinstance(a[-1], str): msg += "'%s'], dtype='%s')" % (a[-1], dtype) else: objectType = type(ai) raise RuntimeError('objectType=%s is not supported; value=%s' % (objectType, ai)) return "'array(.not supported type.)'" else: msg += '], dtype=%s)' % dtype elif len(shape) == 2: spaces = ' '*nspaces msg = 'array([' for i, ai in enumerate(a): if i > 0: msg += '%s[' % spaces for bi in ai[:-1]: msg += '%s, ' % bi msg += '%s' % ai[-1] if i+1 == len(a): msg += '], dtype=%s)' % dtype else: msg += '],\n' elif len(shape) == 3: return "'array(.not supported shape.)'" return msg
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover from numpy import array, zeros class C(object): def __init__(self): pass class B(object): def __init__(self, x=None, e=None): self.x = 4 self.e = C() class A(object): def __init__(self, a=None, b=None, c=None, d=None): self.a = a self.b = b self.c = c self.d = {'a' : 4, 'b' : [1,2,3], 'c' : {1:2}, 'd' : B(), (1,2) : 4, } z = zeros(2, dtype='float64') #print z #print z.dtype dictA = { 'strString' : 'a string', 'strFloat' : 1.0, 'strInt': 2, 'strTuple': (1,2), 'strNone' : None, 'strClass' : A('a', 'b', 'c'), 'strList' : [1,2,3], 'nullList' : [], 'nullArray' : array([]), 'stringArray' : array(['s']), 'stringArray2' : array(['a', 'b']), 'nullDict' : {}, u'unicodStr' : u'', 'ListOfLists' : [[[],[[],],2,{'a':3}]], 1 : 1, None : 4, 1.0 : 5, (1, 2) : 6, 'strArray' : array([4,5,6]), 'strArray2' : zeros((2,2)), 'strArray3' : zeros((2,2,2)), } dictB = { 'string2' : 'a string', 'float2' : 1.0, 'int2': 2, 'dictA' : dictA, } dictC = { 'dictA' : { None : 4, 1 : 5, 'strClass' : A( a = 'a', b = 'b', c = 'c', ), 'strFloat' : 1.0, 'strInt' : 2, 'strNone' : None, 'strString' : 'a string', 'strTuple' : (1, 2), (1, 2) : 6, }, 'float2' : 1.0, 'int2' : 2, 'string2' : 'a string', } #assert sorted(dictB.items())==sorted(dictC.items()) #print write_object_attributes('dictA', dictA, isClass=False) msg = write_object_attributes('dictB', dictB, nbase=0) print(msg) f = open('', 'wb') f.write(msg) f.close() import junk #dictB2 = eval(msg)